Yin and Yang

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"Without darkness there can be no light and without light there can be no darkness"

Y/n was holding up her arms and practicing wandless magic, dark rituals from forgotten times. The Obsidian book she had long snatched from Malfoy manor laid in front of her. Professor Snape had told her time and time again to hand the book over . She knew he wouldn't make her and so did he. He worried for her safety and the power signature she was likely giving off but war is war.

The Obsidian history and manual of sorts was a lot different and a lot less treasured than Snapes gift to her. The diary of his mother.

Y/n studied the diary day and night and even slept with it.

She would cross reference the two works by day and hone her skills. It was like creating her own regimen because she had never seen anyone like herself in real life.

Y/n stared down at the black pendant that had been sitting at her collar bones for what was now, months. Hogwarts was about to open its doors again as gloom hung in the atmosphere, even in the muggle world.

The boards in the stairs creaked so she picked her wand up, quickly pretending to study from her 6th year defense against the dark arts book. Severus crept in behind her, he's too wise to fall for the ruse.

"Good morning miss l/n, I trust you slept well"

He sat down the usual tray, It was going to be something getting used to not being waited on hand and foot again.

"Thanks, Sev"

In the first weeks of her being here he was quite persistent for y/n to call him his professional name but he had since given up. She even caught him grinning at her pet names from time to time. Y/n thought that since he'd seen her underwear in the laundry that he was in no place to make demands.

Y/n was determined to take any liberty with him that she could, she could never have him but she could have this. The moments of nicknames and domesticity.

"Y/N, I love the fire work you've mastered by hand. The Obsidian really works well with you."

Snape eyed her, letting her know softly that she wasn't fooling anyone.
This man didn't miss a beat.

Severus was extremely attentive and that comes with a certain amount of prying and supervision(I.e standing outside doors and listening to her conjure forbidden wandless magic).

Y/n sat down by her tray, picking at some sausage, she thought of her friends from Hogwarts, she thought of Potter too. Most of all she thought of her best friend, Aspen. But she couldn't involve her, not in this.


As night fell at spinners end. There was creaking and conversation downstairs as female voices spoke.


I snuck from my room down the dark steps, there was a candlelight from the cracked door ahead. Severus's study. I'd know that face anywhere. It was Draco's mother.

I was dumbfounded, looking through a crack in the door. Severus stared forward, disconnected to the conversation, numb. The beautiful women was pleading with him, pleading with him to protect her precious Draco. Draco was instructed by Voldemort to kill none other than the headmaster, Dumbledore. Another women came up behind Severus, She surveyed him viciously.

I can't deny how much I admire Severus, how much I look up to him but I wish I could save him from what he did next. Joining hands with evil. Who is he? Why would he betray Dumbledore for Draco? What about me?

What about me.

What about what Draco had done to me, the incident that sealed the bond between Severus and I. The unspoken knowledge that he would always protect me.

I guessed that didn't matter to him, anymore.
The vow was made now, Draco would be his priority. I rushed back to my room, I don't care if they heard me.


Snape POV

Everything was going according to plan. But I know y/n knew more than she could understand.

By the creaking in the wood above my head I knew there was limited time before she'd be packed up and walking out my door. She had grown a lot from the girl I met on her first day as Slytherin head girl. She was now a young women and she knew what she would stand for.

Bellatrix and Narcissa had since left and I was left to stew in my decision s.


"Sometimes you have to do things you really don't want to do for the greater good. The good of the many, outweigh the good of the one."

Severus stood outside the door. He knew y/n was listening.

The door slammed open and hit the wall behind it.

Y/n squeezed her professor so tightly that his breathing was labored.

"You're full of shit" she spat at him, looking into his eyes ever so slightly. But she couldn't let him go, she couldn't believe he was truly bad, she refused to ever think of him that way.

"The headmaster knows, he knows of all of my doings."

Y/n looked puzzled at his explanation. She continued to nuzzle into his robes, he was rarely caught in muggle attire, even at spinner's end.

"I care for you too, y/n but this isn't the time for a warm embrace. I need to explain this to you."

They stepped apart solemnly.

That night was dedicated to explanations, to the truth.

"I have to protect the boy, the boy who lived. For Lily. And because he's just that, he's a boy."


"They could never make me hate you, Severus"
Y/n melted, watching the tired man's ,now wet, eyes.

Severus reached out to hold her, placing her head on his chest. He hated ever having to be harsh with her, even if it was the harsh truth.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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