My youth is yours

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I had never been a fan of Sirius black, but his being slain by the death eaters was a dark omen, even for me. All the while I've had to conceal my true loyalties and I'd even fooled myself with how well I played the part.

Y/N, my sweet and naive girl. She had no clue of what I'd been through this very year. All the work with training Potter, the exhausting nights of grading to a now non existent standard. She thought I'd just been ignoring her. That couldn't be further from the truth. There was a war I'd been shielding her from all the while I'd been crippling her, sheltering her. She was tender and exposed in the face of a battle.

I had chosen her. She wasn't even a 7th year but I STILL had to have her as my head girl. I had foreseen her power and potential before she ever did. The head students of the other houses even saw it. There was a silent awe wherever she went. More than anything, she showed mercy in a way I couldn't.

She couldn't go back to her parents, back to being a child. I couldn't just let her "drink and be merry for tomorrow we die".


Unbelievable, Severus was unbelievable. Unbelievably callous, unbelievably nonchalant but in the same breath he was unbelievably...irresistible. The pheromones were beating around my head and body as I brought myself back to the realization that he'd ignored me for months, had biblically known another when I was clearly in love with him and basically given me a cursed necklace. (Stellar track record).

This day, I had to choose. And I had a feeling I was about to be opened to a whole new world of terror and responsibility.

I had a flash back to the table, the meeting. A memory I had watched like a movie as I dove into Professor Snapes mind. Some how, even after that, the death eaters did not suspect him as a traitor. I was very enticed by the skills that my professor seemed to effortlessly posses.

I sat on the log staring at Severus who moved to be at my side.

"I've given you something of great value, y/n. It is your choice on how to use it."

His hand caressed my cheek and the blackness of his eyes looked at me desperately.

"Walk me back, now"
I stood up, pulling away from his hand
"Thank you, for all of this. Forgive me as you've caught me off guard."
I continued.

Severus stared up at me, the silence wrapped around both of us and the trees.

"Shall I prepare your room then?" He beckoned me to his level.

"I always did love your decor."
People were dying and I was flirting with a middle aged man.
I smirked, sitting back down beside him.

I had so many questions about the obsidian and now he was ready to talk, as the music spun more and more was added to the story. Snape was prepared with parchment for me to jot a plan, a frame work of power.


Night fell as he walked me back to the castle. While we were in the dark, with no one else in sight, our fingertips intertwined. In that moment, It didn't matter that we couldn't be anything more. In that moment, that was enough.

Severus & I { Y/N x SNAPE FAN-FIC}Where stories live. Discover now