Chapter - 1

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More like an introduction....

The environment is too tensed. Despite of the loud noises coming from the carnival beside , this area where Jungkook and Rose standing is so silent. Night sky, snowy ground , smoke coming out from their mouth with each sigh is suffocating. Still there's a soft smile on Rose's face making Jungkook so little and low. He can't face her.

"It's your choice Jungkook. I can't control your emotions and you can't control mine." She muttered and stood directly infront of Jungkook. Jungkook held her by shoulders. Her tears really broke Jungkook's heart into pieces. Slowly she leaned towards him and mumbled

"I love you Jungkook." Jungkook just stared at her without saying anything. Pain is evident in her voice. She took Jungkook's hand and placed it on her heart.

" This heart will always love you."


"DON'T MAKE ME TO COME TO YOUR ROOM TIGER!!!!! COME DOWN QUICKLY !!!" Mr. Kim screamed for the nth time today morning.

"I can'ttttttt...I am not gonna marry him!" Taehyung wailed as a response still not coming out from the room.  How can he come? He doesn't want to marry that man who did nothing but helps to him.

One year ago Kim Taehyung actually waited for his death. After gets to know about his condition he litearally gave up on everything except his Appa. He is the only one Taehyung can't leave in this world. Still he made up his mind as this is not a  condition he can control. However his father never missed any chance to cure his cub. He met every cardio doctors in the country and looked for donors everywhere directing  them into a huge pile of debts. Still he didn't stop. He only wanted his son,,,, alive and happy. During such a tough period Taehyung suddenely got a heart attack which is clearly impossible to bear up by his weak heart. Miraculously on that gloomy day Taehyung began to live again. He got a donor and even a man who helped him in everything in this past year and now even going to marry him,,,, Jeon Jungkook. He is lately the most popular businessman because of his good looks and young age specially. He is a relative of the donor of Tae's heart,,, more precisely this heart belongs to Jungkook's dear girlfriend.

Taehyung's father really likes Jungkook and Jungkook also talks with him politely. Jungkook helped them a lot and even took care of Taehyung. During the time when Taehyung is unconscious after surgery Jungkook used to visit him twice a day.  He looked at Tae for hours and left without a word.After Tae woke up it limited to once a day. From Taehyung's soap to medical supplements everything happened by Jungkook's hands. Mr. Kim doesn't know the real reason but understood that the donor must be someone who is dear to him. He can understand Jungkook's pain very well. On the day Jungkook proposed to Taehyung  Mr. Kim was the happiest.From his eyes Jungkook is the perfect partner for Taehyung.

From Tae's point of view Jungkook is a cold iceberg. His face is always blank but sometimes have a little frown. Jungkook never talked with him except that day he warned him to stay safe. Taehyung doesn't like this. He knows that this will ruin his future which of course brought back by Jungkook. He doesn't want Taehyung. He wants to keep this heart closer to him. How can Tae live his life like someone else. He can't imagine his life with Jungkook. Taehyung's train of thoughts suddenely disturbed by soft knocking on the door. This can't be his father.  Seems like he already came.

"May I come in?" With that voice Taehyung jumped out from the bed. He gulped in fear and hurriedly ran to open the door. There standing the mighty Jungkook in a black suit as usual.

He came in directly as this is not a foreign place for him anymore. Jungkook already changed his whole room upside down according to his wish when Tae opened his eyes after surgery. Jungkook slowly walked around the room and checked every corner leaving Tae to stand at the same spot as before. Only Jungkook's stepping sound is heard inside the room. Jungkook opened Tae's cupboard and looked at the pile of clothes inside it. He thought for a while and noded. Taehyung still stared at him with big eyes waiting for his next move.

" I'll buy more clothes. That's not enough." Jungkook whispered making Tae's eyes to widen in disbelief. This is the fifth time he is going to buy Tae clothes for this month. Those are not even Taehyung's favourite.

"I don't like this!" Taehyung muttered under his breathe. Jungkook slightly turned towards him and stepped towards him in annoyingly slow pace. Not being able to bear the intense gaze Tae casted his eyes at the ground and waited for a response. Jungkook is literally towering over Tae with his bulky body.

"Like what?"

" I don't want to marry you!". Jungkook darkly chuckled and mumbled

" It's your problem. Not mine!"  Jungkook grabbed Taehyung's chin harshly and made him look at his blank eyes.

" This marriage is beneficial to you more than me!" Taehyung looked at the other side not liking this attitude. Tears are threatening to come out from his eyes. Taehyung doesn't want to let his life control like this.

" I just want this heart. You are just a wrapper of it!"


Kim Taehyung 20 years old

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Kim Taehyung
20 years old

Kim Taehyung 20 years old

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Jeon Jungkook
25 years old

- Park Jimin : Jungkook's half brother
-Rose : Jungkook's girlfriend (dead)


Hope u will enjoy and support
Stay tuned for next

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