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Make sure to read precious chapter

Little glimpse to their lives....

"Dude! Are you sick?"Yeonjun asked feeling so lost. His friend is acting all weird lately and he really worried about that.



"You! Dumbo!" This time Yeonjun took the phone out from Tae's hands making his blushing face confused.

"What happened?" Taehyung asked looking here and there. Yeonjun sighed and said

"I'm talking to you duh! Are you actually cheating on your cold husband? This is too wrong boy!"

"Are you crazy?"

" Okay! Let me help you guys again. This time we can make him have a date with you!"Yeonjun explained making Taehyung to eye roll. Before he even can comprehend Yeonjun directly pressed on Jungkook's chat on Tae's password-less phone and almost had a heart attack. Taehyung swiftly took his phone from traumatized latter and began to type not minding his disfunctioned friend.

"I think your phone is hacked Tae. Your chat is filled with hearts!"


"Dude!! Then am I right? Did something happened during the trip?" Taehyung sheepingly smiled at that.

"Is this why are you glowing?"


"I--I just-t!"

"Oh! I am going! He came!" Suddenely Tae's mood lit up and ran towards the gate.

"Hey hey!" Taehyung said while biting his lips with a big smile. He already missed his husband.

"Oh! My baby squishy cutie pie!" Jungkook hugged Taehyung so tightly making Tae all smiley.

"We are going home right!?" Taehyung asked while sitting on the seat. Jungkook set the seatbelt as a habit and said

"Yeah! You know today we have something special. Hyungs are already at the house."

"You are okay right!?"

" I have you! So nothing to worry." He said with heart eyes and started the car engine.

As soon as the couple entered the house Jin's and Hobi's serious talk heard even to the corridor.

"Jimin said that he can't even go to gaming room with relaxed mind." Jin said so loudly. Namjoon shaked his head but Hoseok is so curious to know.

"Why is that?"

" Those two bastards are doing horny things there I guess. Jimin caught them one day red handed. "

"That means we should be careful in this house before entering into rooms."

"ABSOLUTELY!!!" Jin muttered while raising his hand like a president.

"What are you guys talking about?" Suddenely Taehyung peeked from the door and send them a wink. Jungkook walked past him into the house after placing a kiss on his adorable husband. Jin just stared at the couple as he seen a ghost and coughed awkwardly. Jungkook directly went to the room to washup while Taehyung ran to the kitchen passing dumbfounded hyungs there.

As soon as Taehyung went there his steps halted seeing an unholy scene. Yoongi hyung is eating Jimin hyung's mouth!

"What the hell? Get a room hyung!" Taehyung screamed loudly literally making Jimin to push Yoongi to the other corner.

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