Chapter -2

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The giant door opened to the both sides letting the soft music to flow out. Taehyung took a heavy breathe up by closing his eyes. He felt a light pat on his hand and he doesn't want to open eyes to understand who he is. He looked at his father and sent a soft smile indicating that he is happy eventhough he isn't. He doesn't want to worry his appa more. With a very wide smile Mr. Kim led Taehyung and himself into the hall decorated with flowers through the alleyway. Two kids who are walking infront of them are scattering flowers here and there resulting Tae to giggle. There is a huge number of people in his wedding but he only knows his appa. All are from Jungkook's side. Jungkook planned every tiniest thing about the wedding according to his own will. The whole wedding decorations are pink themed. Exactly opposite for Tae's liking. Nevertheless he wore the prettiest smile onto his face and let his Appa to give his hand to Jungkook. As soon as Jungkook's cold touch sensed Tae looked down not being able to stand under that gaze.

Taehyung doesn't have a clear reason to refuse this proporsal while have millions of reasons to accept. The situation is a bit confusing. He can't differentiate what he should feel about this situation. He didn't thought he will make it. He didn't thought he will live. Everything is happening so quickly not giving any moment for Tae to think. Jungkook is overall a fine gentleman but his few yet blunt and harsh words really breaks his heart. He clearly knows Jungkook is seeing Rose from him. But he doesn't know how much deep Jungkook is in that.

Priest began to say his usual words letting Jungkook and Taehyung to have their moment. Taehyung's eyes are still downcasted not knowing what type of face Jungkook is wearing. Surely it's a fake happy face as he is doing with his Appa.

"Now kiss the groom!" Priest muttered making Tae to shiver at the words. Suddenely Jungkook's cold hands made their way to his cheeks and slightly cupped them giving a tingling sensation. Taehyung's face is literally drowned in his large palms. Taehyung looked up to see a different emotion in Jungkook's eyes. He has a glint of adoration in his face when he whispered

"Dewdrop.." Taehyung's heart dropped into his stomach. He is not used to nicknames except from his Appa. His face turned into dark shade of pink and blood rushed into his face giving a feel of fever. Jungkook leaned in making Tae to close his eyes and stop breathing. Jungkook's lips pressed onto his crown and detached afterwards leaving Tae to suffer from side effects. His heart is accelerating in a fast pace. Eventhough he knew that those warm gazes are not for him still he felt excited.

Jungkook went back to his cold mood after the moments where couple has the spotlight. Taehyung knew this. He knew that this wedding is not a thing both of them wanted. But still something pushed them into this making them to feel numb about the emotions. This is how Taehyung felt when he sat on a chair away from the crowd in his own wedding all alone. Numb.. Jungkook is nowhere to find and his Appa is currently dancing like crazy. He is sincerely happy today. Taehyung wished that at least Jungkook will be with him during the wedding ceremony but he clearly stated that Taehyung is nothing but a carrier of this heart for him. So what else? Tae wanted to know the Jungkook's real intentions but how?

"Come with me!" Suddenely Jungkook popped out and left like nothing happened. Taehyung looked at his back only to see how he is walking towards a small gang of handsome men who are directly staring at him. Taehyung followed Jungkook behind and stood next to them.

"He is beautiful Kook!" A tall guy said and patted on Taehyung's head making him go all shy.

"Thank god! You finally moved on. It's a been a whole year!" Another male beside the earlier one stated and send a kind smile to Tae. Taehyung happily noded and waited for Jungkook to introduce. He looked at his unbothered face and sighed. Seems like he is not even trying to utter a single word. Taehyung can't understand why Jungkook is so stiff and blank.

"I'm Jimin and I am Jungkook's brother!" An adorable boy came infront and introduced himself decently. Taehyung shaked arms with him and again looked at Jungkook's face. Taehyung is new to them. Jungkook should take the lead.

" What made you fall for your husband Kook!!?" A brightly smiling guy wrapped his arms around Jungkook's shoulder and asked with a cocky grin. Taehyung shyly smiled at the question and felt himself excited to know the answer. Taehyung is a total rookie for this love, marriage things afterall.

"He has my bun's heart!" Jungkook spattered and left the place like nothing happened. Sudden silence engulfed the whole atmosphere.Taehyung's smile faded away quickly and casted his eyes down as always. He knows who is 'his bun' very well. He felt so embarrassed and humiliated. Why Jungkook always made him feel insecure about having this heart  transfer. Tears began to soak his eyes making to excuse himself away from the crowd.

The car stopped at the gorgeous mansion but Taehyung is not in a mood to admire. After Jungkook did that childish thing Taehyung is wary and pale. He wants nothing but to lay on the bed and sleep to take his mind away from all this.The excitement that should be prevailed in a newly married couple is long gone in them. Jungkook took the luggages out and led Taehyung in without abandoning him like before. Taehyung followed Jungkook towards their shared room that looks so normal. It's not like that Tae is eager for some decorations but still. Another restless feeling wavered in his mind upon these bitter things. Taehyung took a good look of the room and it is also pink themed as their wedding which not go along with Jungkook obviously. Without ponding his mind over it Taehyung turned towards Jungkook who is acting like Tae is not here.

"You can go first!" He muttered without tiring himself to take a look at the boy while pointing towards the room. Taehyung felt like crying. His appa and he normally can't stop talking for a minute. 

After the short bathing session due to nervousness of being in a foreign house Taehyung laid on the bed and relaxed his body into mattress. He chose to sleep instead of overthinking about his wedding and Jungkook. He closed his eyes forcibly and waited for the darkness to engulf him completely. Meanwhile Jungkook came out from the bathroom and directly went towards the photo of him and Rose on the dressing table. He stared at it for a while and joined with Taehyung on the bed. After confirming that Taehyung is completely out Jungkook pulled him towards his body and managed to place his hand on Tae's clothed chest area. After sensing the heartbeat Jungkook whispered

"Finally you are with me bun!". A lone tear escaped from Tae's closed eyes not knowing why. Maybe it's  for Jungkook or for him or for Rose.....


Suddenely this plot is giving me some horror vibes 👀

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