Chapter -3

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With the light rays seeping in from the crook of the window Taehyung scrunched his eyes not wanting to open them at least now. He side glanced at the other side of the bed only to see it empty. His lips curved up at the sight and comfortably spreaded his hands and legs on the bed like a star fish. He sighed in tiny and stared at the ceiling to digest the whole thing happened yesterday which turned his life upside down. Upon remembering how Jungkook acted last night Taehyung moved his eyes towards the dressing table to witness that exact same photo. Jungkook is not even trying to hide it from Taehyung. Eventhough Taehyung doesn't have hard feelings for latter still Jungkook is his husband now. Seeing his own husband looking at his girlfriend's photo before sleeping infront of him is something every person can't bear up. This only makes Taehyung more insecure. It's like he is disturbing their love.

He pushed himself out from the bed and sat with his messy bed hair. As he seen last night room is pink themed which really go well with a girl and Taehyung doesn't want to think much about it. He is afraid to face that. He took his phone which was on the table near the bed and checked his Appa's teasing messages for first night. He giggled at them and stood up finally to take a wash. He took a final glance at the photo of immensely pretty girl. She is so lucky to have Jungkook who loves her still even after death.

"He is my husband now!" Taehyung mumbled wanting to confirm himself about his rights and left the room having a heap of heaviness in heart.

Already arranged dining table came into view but still Jungkook is nowhere to find. Taehyung stepped into the down floor and walked closer to the table. Seems like someone saved his portion neatly on the table. Taehyung again looked around to spot his husband not clearly having an understanding about this house. It's better if he is not alone right now.

"Sit and eat!!" Suddenely a voice emerged from his behind only to reveal a breathtaking scene of Jungkook with a black shirt and shorts. Jungkook hurriedly walked closer to him and placed a tiny bottle on the table and went back to kitchen. Dumbfounded Taehyung still remained standing in the same place when Jungkook's stiff voice heard again.

"Sit!!" Jungkook placed few tablets separately on a tiny plate and kept close to Taehyung. Taehyung who doesn't know when Jungkook took his medicines out stared at him with his wide opened mouth. How he can ignore this care?

"Drink after you eat!!" Jungkook muttered with a slight frown and took steps to walk away. Jungkook didn't look at Taehyung even for once which obviously went unnoticed by starstrucked Taehyung.

"Did you eat?" Tae asked finally erasing his own awkwardness. Jungkook noded not even turning back and left letting Taehyung to be by himself. He sighed loudly and glanced at the food already loosing the apetite.

"Don't even try to do anything. Just stay like this. If you need anything there's a maid in the kitchen. You can ask from her!!" Jungkook spattered out of nowhere and turned back again to go. Taehyung just stayed as confused as ever as to what happened. He doesn't know whether he should be happy or sad over these things.

After arranging everything Taehyung needed Jungkook came out of the house to garden with his familiar album. Jimin didn't come home yesterday saying that newlyweded couple should have some time. Eventhough Jungkook explained Jimin didn't convince much and stayed at Yoongi's house. Usually Jungkook spent his time alone in his room. But now since Taehyung is there not wanting to be distracted Jungkook came here. He sat on the bench and turned the first page of the album. He definitely knew what's there as he daily takes a look at these photos. No matter how many times this still have the power to Jungkook drown in his tears just with the first glance. The first photo is 15 yeared Jungkook and Rose hugging their lives out. Jungkook hardly swallowed the sob reminding how much he is alone without her. She and Jungkook knows each other since kindergarten days. In every memory Jungkook has there's Rose too. He definitely can't move on. He definitely can't face the future. His safe place is already long gone leaving him miserable here. Jungkook lightly chuckled between his tears remembering the behind  story of this photo.

Rose came to downfloor with her luggage and a big sad pout.

" You really like to throw me out huh!!?" She snapped out suddenely seeing the bunny faced boy. Jungkook smiled widely and noded with that stupid grin making Rose go all crazy. She threw the luggage away and chased her best friend while loudly screaming. Ultimately both of them fell onto the sofa feeling so exhausted. Jungkook only has his half brother Jimin while Rose doesn't have anyother. Her family abandoned her like nothing and the reason is still unknown. No matter what happned in her life she has an unchanging best friend. Jungkook promised to be with her till her last breath. As promised Jungkook really stayed.

"Don't you dare to forget me when I am out!!!" Rose warned while pointing her finger with a frown. She doesn't want to go but Jungkook advised her last day to not to stop chasing dreams. They never stayed away from each other like this. So this is new to both of them. Eventhough it's for 2 days Jungkook also felt a bit restless about this.

" I'll find a new friend!" Jungkook muttered giving total interest to his nails. Rose looked other side feeling down and Jungkook felt guilty.

" You will always be here no matter who comes!" He said and hit on his chest dramatically. She giggled at his ridiculous behaviour and wiped her tears away. She really loves her bestie.

"Here too!!" She said hitting on her chest too.

" SAY CHEESEEEE!!!!" Jimin jumped down from stairs and screamed taking the attention of the duo. Both of them hugged tightly before clicking sound was heard.

A tear rolled down from his cheeks and fell on the photo. Jungkook quickly wiped it away and mumbled

"I'll never forget you bun!" After staying alone as much as he wanted Jungkook returned back to the room only to hear a murmuring sound.

"Pinky~~Pinky~~~Everywhere~~~~~~" Jungkook can't help but chuckle seeing Taehyung who is in the middle of a huge pile of clothes with a thinking face. But it didn't last long as Jungkook saw something very familiar on the bed. Jungkook clenched his fists seeing it misplaced from where it was and charged into the room with red eyes. Taehyung flinched at the sudden entry and thought to smile but before that Jungkook went pass him and stood near the bed. He stared it for a while and Taehyung clearly can see how Jungkook's fist is clenching and unclenching.

"Who told you to do this?" Jungkook asked in such a deep voice. Taehyung gulped in fear and mumbled

"I just wanted to keep my cloth---"

"SO YOU THREW AWAY ROSE'S CLOTHES!!!" Taehyung breathed heavily at the loud scream and soon tears gathered in his eyes.

"I --I j---"

" KEEP YOUR DIRTY HANDS AWAY FROM MY AND MY BUN'S THINGS!!!!" Taehyung just looked at Jungkook's angry face feeling helpless. Isn't he the husband--


"Y-yess"Taehyung managed to utter those words and let Jungkook to arrange his and Rose's clothes back on the cupboard as usual. Taehyung actually didn't try to throw them away. He just took everything out to arrange them back neatly. Then Jungkook opened a different drawer and said

" Arrange your things here!"still folding Rose's clothes. Taehyung noded while trying so hard to not to breakdown. It's just their first day and Taehyung became a thridwheel.

"What's your favourite colour?" Jungkook asked not even minding to look at his husband. Feeling scared Taehyung answered right away.

"Light B-blue"

"Well!! You should change it into pink then! Bun's favourite is pink!"


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