Chapter - 14

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Happy 3k ma babies 😭😭👍

Andd I was so happy on last days rereading ur comments. You guys commented a lot in last chapter. Thank u sm for that 🥺❤️😭

❗Mention about bullying and blood❗(not much)

"I'm sorry for the last night!" Taehyung took a huge breathe up on the mention of these words. Tears are threatening to come up which eventually betrayed Taehyung in the middle from holding in ultimately making him cry. So he just lowered his head down giving full attention to the grass and Jungkook's feet. Why is this hurting so much?

"I didn't want to make you uncomfortable. I'm sorry if you hate it---"

"Didn't I myself ask for that Jungkook?" Jungkook noded in acknowledgement which went unseen by Taehyung.

Meanwhile Tae is in the brink of his emotions reminding how much he was happy today in the morning and how his husband ruined it all by smiling with his dead girlfriend. Taehyung hates it all. Don't tell him possessive but he wants Jungkook to himself now. Is it too much to ask from his husband? Jungkook's numb attitude towards Tae's feelings and less words in his vocabulary now really making Tae pissed off.

"Jungkook!!" Taehyung uttered in a stiff voice. Jungkook looked at the direction only to see red bloodshot eyes of Taehyung filled with overwhelming emotions.

"WE ARE MARRIED FOR GOD'S SAKE JUNGKOOK!!" Taehyung screamed and took a step closer to the bewildered latter. He didn't expect this at all.

"You have rights towards me and so I am...than her!!" Taehyung said laying his eyes on the bench.

"What happened?" Jimin came running there hearing the noise. Without saying anything Taehyung ran towards the house leaving Jimin and Jungkook alone. Jimin too peeped through the bench and looked at what Jungkook is looking. He sighed heavily at the sight and mumbled

"You should stop writing these now!"

"I'm trying.." Jungkook said in a defeated voice not facing Jimin feeling scared that his hidden emotions will come out. Every one is not good at delivering their emotions. Every one is not good at receiving emotions too.

Taehyung's head is full of the incident happened morning which made him unable to face Jungkook as well as Jimin. He just neglected both of them and however made it into college without further questions. He also has no reasons why he outbursts like that. Jungkook's behaviour really made him angry to the point of screaming. He is always not the one to hold in. He always expresses what he feels with words. There's no exception with Jungkook at all.

Taehyung loves a part of Jungkook where he is giving his full attention to Tae. He wants to continue his life with that sort of husband. Jungkook is more than enough for him. But with Rose he can't accept Jungkook like this. This problem is literally invading their lives more than Tae thought. He still doesn't know the full story and he knows clearly that Jungkook also doesn't want him to know. Tae wants to break that barrier. He wants to help Jungkook who always refuses it. He wants to get closer to latter.

Something very hard bumped on Taehyung's shoulder who is walking towards the hall with mind full of family problems. He hissed at the pain and looked up to see a gang of boys he never saw earlier. Looks like a bunch of seniors.

"Why?" Taehyung mumbled still holding his shoulder joint with face full of confusion. A guy who apparently seeing as the leader came foreward and smirked bitterly while checking out Taehyung from top to bottom. Taehyung literally whisper cursed which went unnoticed by the latter who finally thought to open the mouth.

"You're Taehyung right!!? The one who is going to be the announcer of year end fest?" He asked looking so serious. Taehyung noded in tiny but gasped suddenely when one from that group slammed him onto the wall. This is the first time Taehyung is ever facing violence in his life. Due to sudden shock and fear he chocked on tears while trembling hardly. He never knew that this is how it feels to be cornered by a bunch of rascals.

"Are you crying baby? Let me introduce me first!! I am Leon!!" The leader guy said with a mocking laugh while leaning towards the tearing up Taehyung. Five or six boys are now surrounding him making his knees buckled due to fear. He wants nothing but to escape from this place as soon as possible. Seems like problems themselves are chasing Taehyung today.

As Taehyung didn't show any change for his name Leon again muttered holding Tae's jaws harshly to make him face him directly.

"Seems like you don't know me!! Maybe because you are new. Just ask from others okay!!? They will tell you everything!" Taehyung badly wanted to punch that smirk away but thought to use his brain over feelings. Seeing the unwavering nature of Taehyung eventhough tears are falling down from cheeks continuously Leon directly went to the point.

"My girlfriend was the one to be the announcer before you came. I am kindly asking to you to give her that back!!"

"I didn't get anything from your girlfriend. This was given to me by Kai hyung. If you have any problem---"


"I can't---"

"Then let me teach you the consequences!"

Suddenely few of them held Taehyung glued to the wall while Leon kicked on his stomach harshly. A sob came out from his mouth due to unexpected hit and sat on the floor being unable to bear it. His body is still weak from that heart transfer and medicines. His vision is blurry due to the tears when another hit land on his left cheek hurting his lips too in the process. Blood taste felt on his tongue only to show that maybe his lips busted due to that. Leon again raised his hand up but before anything a booming voice echoed through the corridor.

" WHAT'S HAPPENING THERE!!?" Professor loudly asked in which the crowd went all silent than ever. Taehyung felt a hand near him which made him flinched but calmed down once he saw that it is Yeonjun. Seems like Yeonjun called for the dean. After scanning the environment for a certain seconds he again screamed loudly

"MY OFFICE!! Now!!"

The clock ticking sound is the only thing that can be heard by Taehyung whose brain is messed up with all burdens. His mind even can't focus on what the dean and Leon's parents are talking being too occupied with Jungkook's words in the morning. Finally they left from the room leaving Taehyung and dean in the office alone. Secretary had already called Taehyung's guardian too who is still late to come. Taehyung badly wants it to be either Jimin or his dad not wanting to face Jungkook.

Seeing Jungkook and his almost lifeless words will break Tae apart completely. His fingers are still trembling due to earlier shock resulting him to space out as much as he wants. Why is it only him? People are giving him so many offers only to get himself hurt at the end. Both Jungkook and Kai did the same to him. He doesn't know whether it's a good thing or not now.

"What happened?" Familiar blank voice echoed through the room. The dean startled seeing the famous businessman while Taehyung sighed not wanting to face literally anything now.

He just wants some space to cry out loud. At the same time he wants to hide himself within Jungkook's embrace and screamed about what he is feeling. He can't understand why he is yearning for Jungkook this much when it only give him back pain.


Ignore my mistakes please and so sorry if the chapter is too short! I had to cut it in the middle 🙄

Question of the chapter;
Is BTS your first kpop band to ever stan or not?

(My first k pop band is blackpink actually. But now my blood is totally purple 💜️😁)

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