Chapter -7

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"He told it like that!" Taehyung mumbled while seating on the far corner in couch.

"It's weird..Seriously!" Jimin muttered having a confused expression on his face. Why is Jungkook acting like this?

"It's not necessary to even tell me that. Why is he always dragging Rose?" Taehyung again asked from noone in particular.

" We don't know how his brain works. Seems like Rose's death affected him more than I thought!" Jimin sighed heavily. Earlier on those days it was so hard to drag Jungkook even out from the room. This condition is more sane than how he was at that times.

Later on today Taehyung and Jimin gathered in the living room for a talk. It's more like Taehyung wanted to let it out the things his heart is holding.  Jimin is the nicest person he ever met and only person in his house that he can talk with. So Tae told everything happened with Jungkook yesterday including his sudden mentioning of Rose too. Now he felt a little lighter than how he was.

"I think he doesn't like to see me happy." Taehyung bluntly mentioned having a blank face.

"Don't tell it like that Tae! " Jimin mumbled while rubbing other's back for comfort.

"It's so hard to deal with him. One time he gives me hopes and next he himself breaks everything!" A loud sob came out from his mouth together with few pearls of tears.

"He is not a bad person Tae! I think Rose's death affected him much seriously!" Jimin now fully covered the younger by his arms showing he is not alone.

Taehyung never met Rose before ever. But he can simply understand that she is a great friend and a good lover. She is still being remembered and appreciated by her loved ones even it's been a year without her. Her memories are still lingering in the air specially with his husband.

"Rose is not only a friend and lover to Jungkook. She is the first person Jungkook opens upto. She had many roles in Jungkook's life...girlfriend, soulmate, mother,advisor,counseller,sister. She was his world." Jimin uttered. Taehyung snapped his head up and faced Jimin. This is the first time someone going to talk about Rose like this.

"I can understand! She is a big part of your lives." Tae said in which Jimin noded his head quickly.

"On that day Jungkook looked so shocked. It's like he forcibly paused the memories he had with Rose not wanting to end them."

"Then he started a new one,,,completely different from past him!?" Taehyung continued. Jimin again noded.

"If she is here she will be very upset with Jungkook. She always the one to scream and laugh her heart out. This house wasn't like this before. At least she played that piano with wrong keys. I really miss her!" Jimin hiccuped and sobbed heavily. They are used to be together. Missing even a one piece is tragedic for them. Mostly if that's the most important small piece.

After Taehyung found Jimin relaxed in his hug with sniffles he thought to cheer the latter a bit. This is not how they planned to spend the evening. But Taehyung is glad that Jimin opened upto him. Atleast he considered Tae as their own family member. Taehyung wished that one day Jungkook too will be comfortable with him.

"Do you know how to play the piano?" Taehyung asked  cheerfully.

"Of course duh! I'm an music professor you business major!" Jimin uttered wiping his whole face.Taehyung gasped and acted like he hurt only to earn a squeezing of his cheeks by Jimin.

"I'll show you! Come on!!" Jimin pulled Tae towards the majestic musical instrument and pushed him down to make him sit on the stool.

"I don't know how to do this..Seriously!" Taehyung said.

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