Chapter - 19

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We are already at chapter 19??? 👀

Some topics mentioned here will be triggering to some⭕⭕

"What??" Taehyung screamed way too loud hearing the unfamiliar word. He doesn't know the meaning behind it but he clearly knows that he doesn't want to hear Jungkook's name and this name together.

"It's a fear..fear to show or feel emotions.."Jimin mumbled with the hope of calming the latter but met with the exact opposite result. His eyes became glassy in no time with wobbling lips. Did Jungkook suffer alone all these times? Is he okay now? All these thoughts revolved around his head finally letting the tears to slip away.

"Hey Tae!! Don't panic! It's not a disease bub. It's a phobia..a fear..He is completely okay!" Jimin hurriedly caged the younger into a tight hug while muttering comforting words. Taehyung hid his face completely in Jimin's neck due to the sudden fear. All these things he heard about Jungkook is way too much. Everything is so shocking and unbelievable. They are not even close to Taehyung's assumptions.

"Are you okay? He is taking treatments too!! You don't have to worry!" Jimin said after few minutes of calming the other down. Taehyung sniffed a little and noded his head eventhough he is not satisfied. Now he definitely wants to see Jungkook.

"How did this happen? Is that happened after Rose's death?" Taehyung asked with a gloomy voice. He is damn sure that it will take at least a week to digest everything he heard today completely.

"No! Fear to express emotions happened because of different reasons. I think in Jungkook's case it is his childhood trauma!" Jimin said with a frown showing his displeasure about his brother's childhood.

"Childhood...."Taehyung mumbled feeling so confused. On previous days he thought that Jungkook is numb and cold. But now he can clearly see that it's a shield Jungkook is using to protect him.

"His parents were so strict to him Tae! Mostly his mother!! She was a very tough and one word lady. I didn't interact much with her. But I saw her a couple of times I guess." Jimin began his next story while rummaging through buried memories.

"Jungkook really loves his parents so damn much. Even now he is willing to get every punishment and blame for the sake of them."

"What did they him?"

"They used to punish Jungkook for the everything he is doing against their will. It's's the way they raised him. He was not allowed to follow his dreams and desires. He was bounded by them to do what they want. At the end Jungkook was like a puppet. When I met him he didn't even know what's his favourite dish!" Jimin explained with a muffled voice. He clearly doesn't like to talk about this hidden past but now it's a must. Taehyung should know about these everything.

"How you two met?" Taehyung asked while trying hard to join these every string. He can understand Jungkook's mindset back then. Moreover he can understand a child's mindset after facing such type of harsh treatment. Children are literally explorers. Stopping them from doing what they desire is a crime. Jungkook was trained to hid his emotions within him for a long period of time. There's no way this can't be a trauma.

"After Jungkook's mother got to know that Mr. Jeon was having another family she was completely blown up. She came to our house too couple of times. I didn't understand what's going on back then seriously. "

"After what happened? Now you two are living here! What happened to parents?". Jimin took a heavy breathe up and released it feeling so exhausted and heavy. Recalling these things is really making Jimin guilty at some point.

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