Chapter - 13

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A small yelp came out from Taehyung's mouth when Jungkook softly caged him between wall and his chest. Jungkook continued to taste those lips like a hungry beast not giving any space for a rest. Tae's hands naturally wrapped around Jungkook's neck while massaging his scalp with the rhythm of their intimacy and Jungkook's arm pulled Tae more towards him making younger to arch so sinfully. It's like both of them forgot what they held between them. It's like both of them thought to keep tangled stories in their lives aside and to enjoy the moment. It's like both of them lost control in themselves.

Taehyung hurriedly tapped on Jungkook's chest when he found it so hard to keep up with the breathe making Jungkook to unwillingly pull out. He stared at Taehyung who is taking huge puffs of air in  without letting him go only to connect those lips again once the latter calmed down. Taehyung too again closed his eyes drowning himself in the addiction. After Jungkook become enough of ruining Tae's luscious lips he disconnected the kiss only to panick a bit internally. This is not exactly what he planned for the day but he didn't regret it one bit. Eventhough it's so unexpected this is Jungkook's happiest moment ever.

Jungkook beamed a warm smile looking at Taehyung's messy condition which went unnoticed by the shy husband. Jungkook unwrapped his hands around Tae's waist and patted his fluffy hair. Tae clenched his hands into fists being  unable to bear up this much adoration just in one day. How bad he wants these things to continue everyday.

"It's already late. Let's go!" Jungkook muttered in almost blank voice and left the place leaving dumbfounded Taehyung alone. After Jungkook left Tae looked up only to sigh in disappointment in the empty balcony. It's not like he wanted more. But still he hopes for more.

Taehyung sat on the bed with the messy hair and huge smile despite of being just waken up. As soon as he opened his eyes he looked at the other side only to see that portion empty as always. Maybe he expected something different today. Eventhough his heart felt a bit heavy due to destruction of his own daydreams his smile again curved up remembering yesterday's incident. That was Taehyung's first kiss and first time being close to someone with that much intimacy. He didn't have any experience and now wondered whether he did it right yesterday. Upon rewinding the same scene again for the nth time blood rushed into his face making him to giggle in that empty bedroom. He wished that it was better if Jungkook is here with him to enjoy the moment.

But he can understand. They can't take that much long strides all of a sudden. Jungkook needs time and Taehyung can see it. He is willing to stay forever if their journey is making some progress like this. Taehyung can't help but fall for his husband. He doesn't have a specific reason for these feelings. Morever love doesn't have and doesn't know reasons. Love is love,,,,,can happen at anytime with anyone. Actually his feelings deepend after yesterday because he saw Jungkook last day,,,only Jungkook without Rose.

"Oh my goddd!!! YOU CAN'T EVEN COME OUT FROM BED!!WHAT THE HELL MY BROTHER DID TO YOU!!?" Jimin's voice boomed across the whole upper floor making Taehyung to facepalm. Why Jimin is this much dramatic when Jungkook is numb and less responsive as hell?

"Nothing like that happened Jiminie!"

"Like what--?"

"YAHHH!!!!" Taehyung screamed with a hint of playfulness and ended with a pout.

"When I came home everything is left opened. So I thought---maybe----you two---became impatient and-"

"We just kissed. That's all!" Taehyung mumbled under his breathe which is more than audible for Jimin.

"Awww..So shweet!!" Jimin squeezed other's pink cheeks only to turn them into red. Taehyung covered his face feeling extremely shy and Jimin cooed seeing other's overreaction just with a kiss. It's a big deal for our baby.

"Where's Jungkook?" Taehyung asked still not taking his hands away from the face.

"He's in the garden. Not sure! Okay! Get ready! I'll go now!!" Jimin announced understanding Tae's nature and came out from the room leaving Taehyung to replay the kiss scene again in his mind. He is so worked up since yesterday because of his husband. He wondered what are the Jungkook's feelings about this.

After being washed up Taehyung ran into the downfloor while murmuring a song stuck in his head since morning.

"One kiss is all it takes~~~~" Taehyung dramatically flipped his hair and on the way saw Jimin who is standing in the door step lost in thoughts. With that never shading smile Taehyung stood next to Jimin and smacked on shoulder to get the latter into this world.

"Can you give this to Jungkook?" Jimin hurriedly asked while pushing the coffee mug into Tae's hands. Eventually he left as he seen a ghost leaving Taehyung with the warm coffee. He smiled looking at the cup and took steps towards the garden in search of his one and only husband. It didn't take much time to spot the latter. He is on the same bench where Taehyung sees Jungkook with that album and notes. Taehyung's smile fell at the thoughts. He doesn't know what to expect.

Earlier cheerfulness is long gone in Taehyung's face which replaced with nervousness. He is taking every step doubtfully not wanting to hurt his heart. He wants to live in this moment. He wants to live with the Jungkook he met yesterday. He wants Jungkook to have full focus on him. He is slowly becoming addicted to that warmth. He wants them to work out.

Before calling him Taehyung's eyes became so fast to capture the already expected album and notes on Jungkook's lap. Upon seeing the smiling Rose's photo so close to Jungkook tears welled up in his eyes. Eventhough this is not something to think more when he already knew about Jungkook's nature he can't help but tortured his mind. Today condition is much more worse than ever. He took huge breathes in not wanting to breakdown and hurriedly turned back. With fast strides and overflowing eyes Taehyung literally ran away from the source of pain. Maybe he expected little too much.

Maybe he was so quick to come into assumptions. Maybe that kiss is like dust to Jungkook while it is a paradise for Taehyung. Maybe Rose is that much important and irreplaceable than Taehyung. No matter what's the reason the only thing Tae can feel is heartbreak.

"Tae!!?" Suddenely Jimin popped out from nowhere and stopped Taehyung in the middle of his escape. Jungkook also turned back with the sound and came towards them making Tae to whisper curse at Jimin. The last thing he wants now is facing Jungkook.

"Hyung! One minute!" Jungkook said making space for two of them to speak.

"Taehyung!!" Jungkook called making Taehyung to gulp at the voice. How much deep he had fallen for his husband?

"Eh!!" Taehyung let his broken voice out not having any strength to mutter any other word.

"Aren't you going to give me this?" Jungkook asked pointing at the cup. Taehyung extended his trembling arm and give away the cup in silence. Jungkook took it out and again coughed trying to say something.

"I'm sorry for the last night!"


I'm so excited to tell you more of this story 😁🙊

You don't mind if i ask questions here right? This is for more interactions.

What is the ship you like the most after taekook?
Vmin or Jikook?

(For me it's vmin 😌)

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