Chapter - 6

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Whole day Taehyung is grumpy. He is angry and pissed off with himself. He even screamed at Yeonjun who asked him about the date which Taehyung lied that happened. It's not like he fully regrets the words he uttered last day. He is feeling so light on his shoulder for letting Jungkook to know about his thoughts. Taehyung accepts that some of the words he referred for Rose is a bit harsh. It's the heat of that moment. Taehyung didn't meant those. After that incident Taehyung didn't met Jungkook until on the bed when it's time to sleep. As usual he pulled Tae towards his body and careressed his chest area and his head too. No matter how much he is angry Taehyung was unable to control his blush at that moment. Both of this anger and attraction he is feeling for the same person is confusing. In the morning too car ride to college is silent except the words Jungkook muttered to wait for him after college. However their progress is back to one. Jungkook is again blank and cold.

Currently Taehyung is waiting in the canteen for Jimin who wanted to have a talk with him. Tae already knows what he wants to tell as Jungkook's brother. Still he waited until Jimin's works ended. Jimin is lecturer in the same college where Taehyung is. It's so unfair to have all handsome and smart men in one family.

"Did you wait so long?" Jimin asked while pulling the seat infront of Tae.

"I'm used to this now!" Taehyung bluntly remarked and instantly looked at Jimin with big eyes. Why he can't control his mouth? Jimin awkwardly smiled and coughed to lower the tension.

"Actually about it---- I didn't know you two planned something. Jungkook didn't tell me.If I know it I'll never let him come with me!" Jimin muttered.

"It's okay. You have nothing to do with that." Taehyung said while beaming a reassuring smile. He doesn't want to worry everyone around him like this.

"No no I sensed that Jungkook is preparing----"

"Noo it's okay..Seriously!!" Jimin felt Taehyung's dislike to continue this talk but this is necessary. He just wants Jungkook and Taehyung both to be happy in their marriage.

"I hate Jungkook for his behaviour.."

"I'm not hating him....and even Rose. I'm just asking for my place as his husband!"

"I can understand Tae! Jungkook is a bit introverted and shy. He doesn't know how to show----"

"It's called ignorance hyung. The way he is treating me is not because of being introverted!" Jimin gulped seeing Tae's so done face. He doesn't want Taehyung to leave his brother.

"Please Tae! Don't give up on him."

"I'm nott!! He is the one who is doing that"

"I'm asking not to take quick decisions!"

"He is the one who proposed me. He is the one who wanted to marry me. Now why is he neglecting me? Who am I to him?" Tears brimmed in his eyes with every word he is saying. With Jimin he found it easy to let it out all eventhough he is taking the side of Jungkook. It's understandable. Jungkook is his brother.

"Hey!!" Jimin muttered softly and came towards Tae to engulf him in a warm hug.

"I want you two to be happy. That's all!" Jimin mumbled feeling so wrong for making the other cry.

Taehyung sat on the passenger seat and looked at the side to see Jungkook who is waiting on driver's seat totally unbothered. Without even sparing a glance or mumbling a word Jungkook revived the car engine making Tae sigh. He knows that Jungkook is mad with him but still---. Taehyung can't understand how he finds himself so little infront of Jungkook. With Jimin he was able to talk his heart out but with Jungkook it's so far. Apart from the occasional lashing outs he didn't even talk with the elder face to face. The atmosphere inside the car is too silent. Jungkook didn't even think to play music at least. Not having anything to engage his mind inside car Taehyung looked outside through the glass. Suddenely he felt that the way they are going is not to home. Hurriedly he turned towards Jungkook and asked

"Where are we going?" Tae waited for one, two minute but not even a nod is earned from the other side. Taehyung huffed air in annoyance and glued his eyes to the back on the glass not wanting to get angry again. But deep down he felt that whether they are going for that date which cancelled---------

Taehyung's smile already fell at the view of the huge building. He knows this very well,,,,,Jeon Industries. Taehyung whinned not wanting to go as he knows that this will gonna be boring as hell but it's not even a possibility with a cold man like Jungkook who is showing no emotion at all. Both of them got out from the car and walked outside the parking lot towards the entrance.

"Jungkook listen!! I will go home. You can continue your work. I will be a disturbance to you..You know that right.." Taehyung spattered words here and there which totally went unheard by Jungkook who is walking so fast into the building. With slumped down shoulders Taehyung too ran behind him not wanting to get lost.

As soon as they enetered a cool air hit on Tae's face relaxing his mind a bit. Jungkook is still walking in without sparing a glance making Taehyung too to follow him behind. However Tae felt so out of place infront of the people dressed in black suits. All of the workers are looking so elegant which is a very rare sight for Taehyung who belongs to a middle class family. He never entered into a huge building like this ever. A dark wave of emotions began to accumulate in Tae's mind. Maybe Jungkook is going so fast not wanting to show that he is his husband. Maybe  he is embarrassed about Taehyung. Tae diverted his eyes towards the floor feeing so small but suddenely an arm wrapped around his waist pulling him closer. After being startled by the foreign touch Tae snapped his head up with big eyes. The sight he saw is so majestic. Jungkook is looking so so handsome and hot upclose. Jungkook slowly removed his hand from the waist and took Tae's arm into his. Everything is happening in slow motion in Tae's eyes.Afterwards he softly pulled Taehyung with him to the elevator not knowing how much of a mess he had done in Tae's heart. Taehyung gave up on hiding his smile finally.

Taehyung tried so hard to keep his eyes open even in this strong boredom but he defeated. He tried to engage his mind in anything and even talked with Jungkook eventhough it's like a monologue who is working his heart out as soon as they came into cabin. But he lost. That's why now Taehyung is laying on the sofa inside the cabin while faintly snoring and mumbling.

Jungkook lifted his head up and saw the knocked out figure on sofa. He stood up from the seat and went into a room inside only to comeback with a blanket. He covered Taehyung with it and sat on the stool beside. Just by seeing the face Jungkook's lips curved up into a smile. He softly brushed off the brown locks on Tae's forehead getting a good view of other's gorgeous face. Jungkook let his thumb to careress Tae's chubby but smooth cheeks which eventually stopped near lips. He leaned in further more and again beamed a smile.

"I'll never forget those words you said to Rose." Jungkook whispered and stood up from the seat adjusting his coat. After giving a one last look Jungkook walked out from the cabin leaving Taehyung asleep inside.

Taehyung suddenely woke up stretching his body to 90° in panick. He didn't plan to sleep like that which he eventually did. As soon as he got a clear view from his still sleepy mind his eyes glued on the snack packets on stool. He was able to plot his most favourite one among them and took it out with the happiest smile.That's when he thought to pay an attention about the surrounding. He turned towards Jungkook's table only to gasp in shock. Jungkook is sitting on his majestic chair staring deeply at Taehyung. Tae coughed out of tension and again looked at him after rubbing eyes.

"Did you buy those?" Taehyung asked.


"You know my favourite!!?" Taehyung asked again with a cheeky smile waving his snack packet on air.


"Anyway Thank you!"

" Do you know the speciality of them for me?"


"Those are Rose's favourites"


'Golden' is a no skip album. Every song felt like a title track for me. Standing Next To You MV is the best quality MV I saw after a long time. JEON JUNGKOOK ATE IT ALL AND LEFT NO CRUMB 🔥😌🔥

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