Chapter -11

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"Where's Jungkook?"

"He is next to me Appa! He is driving right now!" Taehyung uttered side eyeing Jungkook. Both of them are currently inside the car driving towards the younger's college. After yesterday date Taehyung was so upset and angry with Jungkook to the point of not talking. Jungkook is always not the one to talk making this little quarrel to sustain during entire night and even today morning.

Taehyung can understand that maybe Jungkook has reasons but still it is not needed to be rude like that. This time Taehyung wants nothing but an apology.

"He always calls and talks to me! Not like you!"

"What are you talking Appa!!? Are you talking about this same Jungkook!!?"

"Yeah..about my son.."

"Appa~~I'm your son~~"

"But you forgot me you naughty cub!"

"Don't whine old man! I'm going! Bye!!"

"You go huh~~I have my Jungkook son now!" Mr. Kim said playfully eventhough it only made Tae's anger higher. After he cut the call Taehyung looked at Jungkook's face with a frown fearing the older too. Taehyung tsked and looked outside through the window not knowing what he even wants now. Looks like Jungkook is talking with his father in law more than with his husband.

Yesterday after they returned back to home Taehyung directly went to room and didn't even come down for dinner resulting Jungkook to feed him too. While Taehyung fumed with anger during whole night Jungkook looked so scared and gloomy with usual blank face. He didn't try to initiate anything making Taehyung to carry this anger to the next day too.

When Taehyung woke up Jimin had already left resulting Tae to be more grumpy. At least if Jimin was there he can lash out and blame Jungkook with him. Now Taehyung badly wants to release this anger. That's when he called his father only to met up with an unexpected news. Everything accumulated in his little brain only made his pout deeper.

Jungkook softly placed his hand on Tae's shoulder taking him out from his tantrum bubble. That's when Taehyung realized that they had already come to the college. Taehyung swiftly got off from the car and walked towards the entrance without their usual awkward goodbye.

Jungkook stared at Taehyung with big wide eyes and paining heart until his eyes hooded seeing an unexpected interaction. Not having a second thought Jungkook quickly came out from the car and hurriedly paced towards Taehyung.

"Ok hyung..Maybe tonight!" Taehyung muttered with a warm smile.

"Ok Tae! Then it is confirmed!!" Kai said and showed a thumb up with a wink earning a train of giggles from the latter. The happy atmosphere suddenely turned upside down when certain someone wrapped his hands around his one and only  husband. Taehyung flinched at the foreign touch but rolled his eyes after seeing the culprit. Kai awkwardly stood there not knowing where to even look and suddenely said bye opening an opportunity to flee away from the scene. Jungkook poked his inner cheeks with his tongue while enjoying the way that man went away and turned towards Taehyung who has nothing but frown on his face.

"Aren't yo-u goin-g in?" Jungkook asked slowly detaching himself from Tae.

"I am!!" Taehyung spattered those words and went into college not even daring to look back. Jungkook sighed heavily and tsked not forgetting to kick the stone on the ground. Eventhough they didn't have the best relationship Jungkook doesn't want to keep Taehyung like that.

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