Chapter- 26

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I'm a bit late hehe 🙂❤️

"JUNGKOOK!!! Open the door bastard!!" Jin screamed on top of his lungs while banging on the door hardly. Due to Tae's screamings everyone gathered in the room in no time and seeing the condition there worry and anger welled up in their minds. Taehyung is wailing like there's no tomorrow feeling so scared. He is sitting on the floor near the door and crying nonstop. He badly wants to see Jungkook now.

"He is not coming out!!JUNGKOOK!!OPEN THE DOOR!!" This time Hobi screamed suddenely having a bad feeling. Jungkook there alone with mental unstability is the worst thing ever.

"Jungkook!! We can talk and solve everything! Just come out!" Namjoon walked closer to the door and muttered. Suddenely silence prevailed in the room with Jungkook's muted replies apart from Tae's constant hiccups and sniffles. Taehyung never felt this much of fear ever. His whole body is trembling and mind is corrupting with all negative assumptions.

"Hey! Jungkook is not stupid Tae! Be strong!" Jimin mumbled not being able to bear up the state of Tae. He looks like a total mess.

"I'm the-e reas-son for every-ything-g!" Taehyung said in between his tears feeling so down.

"I'm going to break the door! We can't wait anymore!" Yoongi said with a frown and took few steps backwards.

"JUNGKOOK!! Come out!! Taehyung is crying so badly!" Jimin said with his glistening eyes. Suddenely the door wide opened not giving any chance for Yoongi to showcase his strength revealing heavily breathing Jungkook. His eyes are red and face is puffy giving a slight idea about what happened behind the door.

"Are you okay?" Jin asked while scanning younger's body but his eyes are totally directed towards his Taehyung. Without waiting anymore he ran towards his husband and literally pulled him onto his lap. He hugged Tae like his life depends on it and placed numerous kisses on his head to calm the other. But Taehyung is still crying messily not having any idea.

"I'm sorry..I'm sorry.." Jungkook mumbled hiding Taehyung in his embrace. After Tae's body relaxed Jungkook uttered

"Dewdrop..." expecting any answer. Suddenely Taehyung removed Jungkook's hands and looked at his face. Jungkook's heart literally dropped seeing younger's tired and helpless face. Taehyung hit on Jungkook's chest with his tiny fists and said

"Don't do that again!! Don't leave me!!"

"I'm sorry baby! I was--I was---" He was crying inside but he is unable to express himself,,,,even now.

"It's okay! Don't do that ever!!" With that Taehyung tightly hug the latter still having tears in his eyes. He loves Jungkook a lot than he himself know. Slowly everyone left the room giving space to the couple.

"Can I come in?" Jin peeked from the door and asked with a small smile. Jungkook straightened his body by leaning against the header of the bed without awaking Taehyung who is sleeping on his lap. After the earlier incident Taehyung didn't let go of Jungkook eventually resulting himself to sleep on other's embrace due to exhaustion.

Jungkook can't help but adore the younger with a bitter feeling of guilty. Jin placed the tray filled with food on the nearby stool while saying

"I had to clean the entire kitchen. Taehyung really tried a mysterious recipe!" Jungkook chuckled remembering the scene and stole a glance from his cute husband. The unconsciously formed pout during sleep and flushed cheeks literally enhances the cute side of the latter.

"Let me check him you stupid!!" Jin threatened with a fake frown and checked Tae's temperature.

"I actually thought that he will get a fever. He cried so hard..seriously!" He continued making Jungkook to look down. He tightened the grip on Taehyung feeling so uneasy. He didn't meant to do all these.

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