Chapter - 15

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Why are you all so good 😭😭❤️..I love you all my readernims...

Jungkook's eyes directly laid on Taehyung who is standing near the table with head lowering down. His heart dropped at the sight of helpless, scared Taehyung. He never wanted to see the latter in this type of situation. He cleched his fists feeling furious as who does this to him.

Jungkook took slow steps towards Tae passing bewildered dean across and stood next to him almost towering the younger. His eyes didn't leave Tae's figure ever since he came into this room and he himself is scared to see Tae's face. Eventhough he is one of a prime reason for Tae's tears he is scared and hates to see other's eyes filled with tears.

"We didn't know that Taehyung is connected to you Mr. Jeon. I took care of that brat earlier and you don't have to worry about that. I will make sure to build up a healthy environment around Taehyung from now on. We are so sorry for the thing happened Mr. Jeon!" Dean rambled a lot feeling so little infront of the business tycoon which went unnoticed by the man whose eyes are so focused on his husband.

Jungkook took a shaky breathe in before delicately placing his finger under Taehyung's chin giving a little force up to see his face. Once Jungkook's eyes laid on red, puffy eyes and red cut on lips his jaw clenched with the sudden anger. He traced his thumb near the place of the cut making Taehyung to hiss in pain after a while. Taehyung stared at Jungkook's face with big eyes which showing a chain of emotions at the same time. After shifting here and there finally Jungkook went back to his poker face and detached his hand from Taehyung's face.

"Who did this?" Jungkook asked with a rough intimidating voice startling the dean. Taehyung didn't even try to answer being so busy to stare at his husband. He doesn't know why but one glance of Jungkook has the audacity to erase everything happened and fill it back only with warmness. That's why he can't stay mad with Jungkook for so long. As noone tried to answer dean mumbled

"It's Leon. I advised him earlier!"

"Where is he right now?" Dean gulped at the dark aura and answered

"In BS section I think!" With those words Jungkook took Tae's arm who is so lost and went out of the room having a particular destination in his mind.

"There's nothing I can't do for you baby!" Leon whispered near certain girl's ear making her to giggle so happily. He too smirked along with her only until someone grabbed him from behind and pulled out from his girlfriend. Not even allowing to see the face of the intruder a heavy punch landed on Leon's face literally breaking his nose in the process. The girl screamed and hugged herself  while her boyfriend plopped onto the ground dearly holding his bloody nose. Leon's vision slowly came back to normal giving a sight of well dressed gentleman and Taehyung who is standing next to him.

"Is he the only one?" Jungkook asked without taking his eyes off from the boy on floor.

"No!" Taehyung mumbled while carrying his eyes over the gang.

"Who else?" He asked now looking at Taehyung. Tae extended his arm and pointed on every boy making it easier for Jungkook to remember the faces.

" Who did this?" This time Jungkook asked directly looking into Tae's eyes. Suddenely he flustered with the stare and gulped before landing his eyes on Leon.

Jungkook's fists clenched just seeing the cut and without wasting any time he caged his new villan on the ground and began to punch like crazy. Taehyung was in daze until a painful groan heard from below.

"Jungkook!!! Stop!! That's enough!!" Taehyung calmly muttered softly pulling Jungkook away barely wanting to stop the fight. Taehyung is a person who appreciates his self respect most. That's why even with Jungkook too he pissed off everytime when he got treated as an outsider. Leon disrespected him infront of the whole college. He should be punished to not to do anything like this ever again.

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