Chapter - 23

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Jungkook scanned the whole living room with hooded eyes only to see a bunch of boys smiling at him weirdly including his husband too. Not spending any more time there he began to climb the stairs up until someone pulled him from behind and dragged into living room.

"WHAT!!?" Jungkook screamed furiously only to witness the scared face of Taehyung.

"Come and talk with hyungs Jungkook!" Taehyung muttered while supressing his fear. He is not doing anything wrong afterall.

"I don't want to! They know it too!" Jungkook said while directly looking at Tae's eyes.

"Just come and meet them. They are at--"

"CAN'T YOU STOP THIS TAEHYUNG?? I told you! I DON'T WANT YOUR HELP!! Just stay away from me!! Go back to how you was!!"

"Jungkook this--"

"SHUT UP!!" With that Jungkook ran into his room and closed the door loudly. Taehyung took a heavy breathe up and wiped his whole face before turning towards hyungs.

"Okay! I think we should do this!" Yoongi said earning a sad smile from Taehyung. Jin walked closer to the younger and pulled him into the sofa and muttered

"What should we do? What's our plan?"

It's been a whole hour since they started their discussion filled with lots of bickerings and indirect flirtings. Taehyung caught numerous suspicious winks from Yoongi towards Jimin and he kept a mental note to ask about it later. Taehyung's eyes always diverted to the upstairs just to get a glimpse of his husband. He doesn't want Jungkook to stay mad at him like this.

"To change Jungkook's mind we should keep him away from those sad topics." Hobi suddenely said those wise words.

"He is always trying to drown himself in there. I think he should stay away from this surrounding. Change of place will do something better on him." Namjoon said adding more meaning to Hobi's words.

"That means something like a trip!" Yoongi asked.

"Jungkook will never come! I know about him! He is so stiff."Jimin said.

"I will ask him!" Taehyung willingly accepted the challenge earning a pat on his head by Jin.

"Oh yeah! We have our strong tiger here!" Jimin screamed proudly and massaged other's shoulder.

"I accept that. He is strong!" Yoongi said again holding his neck referring to the earlier memory where Taehyung chocked Yoongi due to misunderstanding.

"So where are we going?" Jin sequeled happily just with the thought.

"How about Jeju? It's so fun there!" Hobi stated.

"Ohhh!!! I LIKE IT! I LIKE IT!" Jin again screamed while hugging Taehyung successfully missing heart eyes from Namjoon.

"Taehyung and Jungkook didn't had their honeymoon too!" Yoongi uttered out of nowhere with a full smirk turning Tae's face into dark shade of red. Him and Jungkook...Taehyung can't even imagine it.

Jungkook stood near the stairs with a blank face until the word honeymoon heard from downfloor. Just with the mention Jungkook's lips turned into a small smirk and half smile. He slowly climbed down the stairs and saw his hyungs and Taehyung smiling while chatting here and there. His heart suddenely filled with warmth upon the scenario. This is what he wanted. He always wanted to introduce Taehyung to his closed ones happily. He wanted to boast and claim Taehyung as his own infront of them. But all of these little things are quite far away from him.

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