Chapter - 9

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Missed me 👀

It's been a week since Jungkook's smile eventhough it's so small to even catch up disappeared from his face. It's been a week since another trauma added to Jungkook's long list. It's been a week since Jungkook didn't even dare to take his eyes off from the younger who is now sleeping on the bed comfortably. He literally threw away all his business deals away just to stay focus on his husband. He still can't get away from that shocking memory which still haunts in his mind and even drag his body to check on Taehyung every now and then. Jungkook can't help but blame himself for Taehyung's condition.

Jungkook can't clearly remember how he ran over to Taehyung and took him onto his lap. He has such a hazy memory how he managed to lift the screaming male in pain up and get into the car. He doesn't remember how he admitted Tae to hospital and even called Jimin. Everything happened just in half an hour shattering Jungkook's heart and mind,,,,literally if there's something still not broken within him. Jungkook mindlessly sat on the bench in hospital corridor and covered his face by his trembling hands. Just within few seconds he found himself crying so loudly and hardly due to sudden panick and rush. He can't bear up loosing another person. The only thing he remembers admist of all chaos is Taehyung's crying face and the way his clenched fists held Jungkook's shirt because of pain. It's just like how his mother and his Rose held last eye contact ever with him. He saw the same pain and same helplessness which he never wanted to witness again.

Jungkook softly careressed his thumb over his sleeping husband's palm and sighed heavily. Due to the strong medications recommended for rest younger spends most of his time by sleeping and resting. Jungkook didn't talk much with Taehyung during past few days. He is always one to hold his emotions to himself. Actually that's how he used to do before he met Rose. Later he became too comfortable with Rose to the point of being uable to live without her. She made Jungkook relaxed and calmed everytime. She knew what to do. But now Jungkook is again all alone and doesn't have the spirit to let it out all. So he found it easy to hide everything under his cold appearance. One thing he learnt during all these days is there's no use of crying and worrying. Even Rose too left him while he cried and begged her to stay. For him being blank and numb is a guard to protect him from himself. It doesn't hurt him anymore like it used to do. Maybe as they said Jungkook doesn't deserve love and care. He clearly remembers how he smiled seeing his tiny husband dusting over already clean stuffs in the house and how that smile soon turned into a wail. This incident is reminder for Jungkook to show that he can't get out of the pit of guilt and sadness ever. He is meant to be there.

Taehyung scrunched his nose before he opened his eyes slightly. Jungkook hurriedly took his hand away from Taehyung's and stood up.

"Jungkook!" Taehyung quickly muttered wanting to stop him. This is the same routine always. As soon as Taehyung looked at Jungkook or woke up from sleep he flees away from him. Jungkook turned around hiding his face perfectly and took steps to go out despite of other's callings.

" Jungkook!" Taehyung again mumbled darting his wide doe eyes on Jungkook's back.

"Why?" Jungkook asked in his deep voice.After a brief seconds Taehyung mumbled

"Don't worry ! I'm okay! This is just because of tablets!"  referring to long hour sleeping. Jungkook silently closed his eyes and clenched his fists at those words. After a long deep sigh Jungkook whispered

"Take care of your heart. That's the most important thing now!" With those words Jungkook again began to step away from the room after hearing Taehyung's answer in faint voice.

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