Chapter- 4

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Taehyung stayed the rest of the day inside the room not wanting to see his husband's face again. He is feeling embarrassed , angry and sad making himself confused as what to do. He is not this type of a guy. He always talks his heart out and screams when he needed to. But with Jungkook Taehyung finds himself controlled and timid being unable to make a complete sentence. It's hurting to see how Jungkook doesn't give him a value at least as a human. He didn't even let Tae speak once and finally warned indirectly to change himself to Rose which he obviously can't. He never knew Jungkook's condition is this much serious. Still his eyes are glossy because of the shock he had. Jungkook never screamed to him like that before.

Suddenely a soft tapping sound heard which made Tae to snap his head towards the direction. He saw Jungkook in his usual black clothes standing at the door step with a tray filled with food. Taehyung just looked the other side showing his disinterest to food as well as Jungkook. Without being affected by anything Jungkook came in and sat near Tae on the bed. He placed the water glass on the small table beside and extended a spoon full of noodles closer to his mouth. Taehyung looked the other side clearly refusing the care making Jungkook to speak out.

"Dewdrop!" The nickname!!! This nickname actually has the power to melt Taehyung infront of this cold person. The way his voice warmed into that word is really soothing. No matter how much it affected and made Taehyung flustered he kept his composure as the same as before.

"Eat!!" Jungkook again muttered.

"I--I don't---"

"Are you trying to teach me a lesson or to punish yourself for your wrongdoings?" Jungkook asked making Taehyung furious. He immediately looked at Jungkook having no words to explain.What is this man even talking? Taehyung glared at him which went unnoticed resulting Jungkook to put that spoon into his mouth.

"First eat and then take medicine!!" Jungkook again said in the same blank way and continued to fill Tae's tummy with the food. During the whole time noone uttered a single word while Taehyung tried his best to not to look at the other. He desparately wants some alone time now. After finishing the whole meal Jungkook stood up and mumbled

"Just stay in your limit!" and went away like nothing. Taehyung tightened his grip on bedsheets feeling overwhelmed. Why did he even propose Tae then?

Another new day aroused into the new couple and now it's already afternoon. Taehyung can't help but felt like he is going to die with this boredom. From the moment he woke up upto now he saw Jungkook for one or two times. It's so unbelievable how Jungkook aka his husband tries to stay away from him. Taehyung knows that they both can't start by being lovers. But still they should try to atleast be friends. Taehyung saw Jungkook multiple times here and there with a pile of papers and a pink coloured album. These two days supposed to spend by the couple with themselves. But now it's just Jungkook trying to run away from Taehyung.Taehyung hates how Jungkook acts all rude with him one moment and comes back with care in the other minute. He hates how Jungkook expects him to be like Rose or whatever he needs. Taehyung deserves lot more...atleast more than becoming a replacement. Taehyung mentally cursed Jimin for not coming to house back. Atleast he will have someone to talk right!? After a huge yawn which spilled tears from his eyes Taehyung walked towards the kitchen reminding the fact that there's a maid here. He can talk with her.

"How long are you working here?" Taehyung asked while leaning against the counter.

"I'm here since beginning Sir!" She answered with a widest smile she ever had. Just by the look of Mrs. Lim Taehyung understood that the lady is nothing but a kind hearted woman. He can't help but wanted to engage her in a train of questions earning giggles and whines here and there.

"Are you enough of my love stories Sir!!"

" I told you to call me Tae!" Taehyung whinned like a baby. After the wedding this is the first time Taehyung laughed and behaved as his mind wants to.

"Okay Tae!!" She muttered while squeezing other's breadcheeks. Taehyung pouted at the guesture and asked

"Can I bake something here?"

"But master told me to not to join you in chores!"

"But it's simple and it's not cooking too!!" Taehyung stated and wore an apron not letting this boredom to swallow him completely. She hesitantly noded still feeling so unsure. Taehyung took flour, butter, egg and everything needed with the help of Mrs. Lim and stared at them feeling confused. He didn't do it before.

"Did Jungkook ever come here?" Taehyung asked out of nowhere.

"Yeah!! He cooks meals actually. In earlier days he and Mrs. Rose always cooked something together!" She said with a small smile reminding those days. Taehyung felt a lump in his throat with those words. Why Jungkook acts like that with him,,,only him?

Before Taehyung tried to start a single thing the same blank voice heard from behind. Taehyung turned around to see his husband leaning against the door frame with a different emotion. Did he smile a while ago?

"What are you doing?" Not wanting to answer Taehyung brought his attention back to the ingredients on the table. Mrs. Lim just stayed there enjoying the drama while Jungkook came towards the other. He turned Taehyung around facing his back towards Jungkook and untied the apron out of Tae's will.

"I want to do this!" Taehyung said which totally went unnoticed by the other.

"I told you not to do anything!! I never knew you are such an attention seeker..Always try to do things I told not to!" Jungkook muttered with a hint of playfulness which Taehyung didn't understand. So he again felt so embarrassed infront of the latter. Not minding  the fact that Jungkook felt his absence and found him so easily here, Taehyung felt so offended. Jungkook took Tae's arms and pulled him out of the kitchen. As soon as they came out Taehyung removed the grip and said

"Don't order me infront of others!" His eyes are already glistened due to the anger. Jungkook stood there staring with his blank eyes as always until Tae's phone rang. He took phone out from pocket and went out to garden to take the call.

"I'm okay Appa!! But still the environment is not familiar!"

"Okay Appa!Eat well..Don't miss this tiger so much!! Taehyung giggled after and soon his smile vanished into thin air spotting Jungkook on the bench.

"I'll call you later!" Taehyung switched off the call and took slow steps towards the latter. He doesn't want to snitch but still felt curious about Jungkook's doings. From the distant he saw the album which contained the younger Jungkook and a girl as the cover photo. Instantly he felt restless and walked past Jungkook. From his side eyes he saw a pile of brown coloured papers filled with Jungkook's handwrittings on his lap and the way Jungkook writing on them with a blush. What the hell? Now Taehyung wants nothing but to go into the room. But Jungkook didn't let that happened.



"You missed a whole year in college right!?"


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