Chapter - 17

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"I'm not happy!" The only words resonated in Jungkook's mind for whole past week. Taehyung's broken and disappointed voice add more pain into those words. Jungkook still remember the way he walked away from the dining table not being able to withstand the sudden guilt and heaviness. He is scared that his mask will come off infront of Taehyung.

During past few days Jungkook can see how Taehyung is neglecting him and trying to keep a distance away from him. He can see very well how their relationship going to fade as the only string held by Tae also loosening day by day. But Jungkook is still stiff doing nothing as always. Just the sight of Tae's pale and tired face is enough for Jungkook to back off. He wants to do something but feared that everything will go wrong. He wants to take a step but feared that it's not what Taehyung wants.

His mind is all hazy and messy with all these negative thoughts just like how he used to be in his younger days. His apetite is too long gone and sleep is nowhere is sight. He knows that he is stressed but what he beleives is he deserves this. After taking such a selfish desicion to marry Taehyung just because he wanted to he should go through this phase. Everytime he reminds about the beautiful and carefree smile of Tae he is feeling like dying. He himself feels like a criminal. Every night he is crying into the pillow due to unbearable pain.

He is such a disgrace. He is such a curse who destroyed Taehyung's ,Rose's and his parents' smiles. The only thing which is keeping him sane is his so precious brown notes. He dreamt about a day where he can tell these every word loud but seems like it will never come.

On the other side Taehyung too absorbed deeply into his emotions. It's like his whole body is working according to heart not brain. He is more in his angry side now totally being done with himself. Jungkook's non responsive, unbothered  nature and those brown notes in which he is still glued into literally made Tae pissed off everytime. Nowadays his only mission is to make his heart unlove the other. He is not sure about the method but continued to ignore and neglect Jungkook everytime he sees him. No matter how hard he tried still he can't help but concern about his husband.

Still a part within him wants to get close to the latter. But Taehyung knows that there's no future in this. He doesn't want to end up in a relationship he doesn't gain anything back. He doesn't want to have an one sided love like this. It's not like he had dreamt about his partner before. But still he deserves the most normal things right!? Currently he is in a phone call with his father while trying his best to pretend as he is happy. What's wrong with Jungkook seriously? Why he is making everything so hard for everyone?

Jungkook sighed for the nth time now looking at Taehyung's devastated face. He doesn't like the way Taehyung is struggling in the balcony with whoever he is calling into. He sat on the bed to go towards Taehyung from his lying posture but suddenely he held into the bedsheet tightly. He began to whimper feeling a sudden pain with a flashback of his younger days. He wasn't sure for how long but he was literally stucked in his own memories for a quite a lot of time.Unexpected knock on the door pulled Jungkook away from his thoughts allowing him to take a deep breathe. He massaged his sweaty scalp feeling so annoyed and scared. Another knock landed on the door as earlier finally making Jungkook to open it.

"Your coffee sir!" Mrs. Lim extended her arm with the tray which gladly accepted by the Ceo. He noded in acknowledgement and went back to the room only to see Taehyung still in that damn phone. He walked towards but the words he heard and the face of Taehyung literally shattered his heart.

"But your voice is a bit different tiger!" Mr. Kim said from the other line.

"No appa! I am same!"

"What's wrong son? Is something bad happening there?"

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