Chapter -8

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We hit 1k 🥳🥳🥳

"Taehyung!!?" Jungkook again whispered out under his breathe not wanting his assumptions to come true. Jimin also followed Jungkook behind after checking the upper floor for younger's clue. When he came to down floor he saw bewildered Jungkook in the middle of the area. He looks so shocked. Jimin hurriedly went towards him and kept his hand on Jungkook's shoulder signaling his presence. Jimin clearly knows about Jungkook's biggest fear aka nightmare,,,,people leaving him behind.

Jungkook faced Jimin in daze and stared at him in horror. A lone tear escaped from his eyes eventhough he is feeling so numb and guilty at the moment. He doesn't wanted to act rude and cold with Taehyung which ofcourse he did. He doesn't know what's going on with him. There's so many emotions running in his mind and now the fear is the most prominent one. He didn't hold Taehyung's hand to loose like this way. He wants Taehyung near him whatever the reason is.

"He l-left!!?" Jungkook mumbled and waited for Jimin's answer. Jimin hurriedly shaked his head understanding other's vulnerable condition and muttered softly

"He didn't leave us. I am sure he is around us. Let's check!" Actually they didn't even check the garden and Taehyung's clothes are still in place. Surely Jungkook is over reacting to this due to past traumatic incidents.

But Jungkook shaked his head like a child and took his phone out to find a particular number. Jimin understood that there's no point of telling him about this and stepped foreward to check out the graden when suddenely door opened revealing the most anticipated person.

"Yeah!! Where were you??" Jimin screamed feeling releived and scared.

"Be-ench!" Taehyung mumbled with big eyes after getting himself startled seeing two handsome men at the door step. Tae's eyes are red indicating that he had some alone time for himself. As soon as those words escaped from Tae's mouth he suddenely got engulfed into a tight hug by none other than his husband. Taehyung is too shocked to react. He never expect hug at least a handshake from  Jungkook considering their relationship. So this is vastly unexpected. After digesting the situation and still clinging Jungkook Taehyung slowly wrapped his hands too around Jungkook completing the hug. This is the warmth he is craving. This is what he wanted. After sometime Jungkook pulled himself out from the hug and hurriedly ran into the room not even looking at Taehyung for a moment. Taehyung just looked at the way Jungkook running away from him. Maybe Jimin is right. Jungkook is not so bad as he looks.

After the hug everything came back to silence once again. Currently Taehyung is laying on the bed prior to Jungkook as always while Jungkook is lost in his office works. As he felt drowsy with the time Jungkook kept laptop aside and turned towards Taehyung. He softly removed few hair strands on Tae's flawless face and stared at him. Jungkook literally can't deny his own gazes towards latter. Everytime he is trying to take a step further, everytime he is trying to move on , the past scenarios tangled with guilt and pain is pulling him back to the same spot. It's so hard. It's so pathetic how he fails in love always. Maybe as they said Jungkook doesn't deserve love. As Jungkook felt that his eyes are getting teary he hid his face in Tae's nape after pulling him towards his chest. After brushing his lips there for certain seconds Jungkook closed his eyes only praying for a clear mindset on the next day.

"Dewdrop...."Taehyung scrunched his face and opened his only one eye to see who is calling him in this early in the morning even near his ear. He surely knows that this nickname is exclusively only by Jungkook but there's no way Jungkook will be here close to him. However proving Taehyung's opinion wrong Tae's eyes directly focused on the bewildered Jungkook. It's like Jungkook didn't expect him to open his eyes. His eyes are tensed like a child caught by his mother on the way of stealing sweets. Taehyung hardly opened his both eyes and sat on the bed now giving full attention on Jungkook. Jungkook first panicked a little but afterwards extended his arm towards Taehyung with a flower bouquet which he successfully hid all these times behind his back. Taehyung's mouth opened up in disbelief how such an unromantic guy did a thing like this. Taehyung timidly took the bouquet suddenely feeling so shy. Just when he tried to enjoy the flower past incidents he had with Jungkook played in his mind. Taehyung doesn't want to get hurt by the same man for same reason. So before anything Taehyung bluntly spattered

"Let me guess!! This is Rose's favourite right!?"

Jungkook heart dropped at the question. All the excitement he had when choosing flowers, bringing it here and even when giving Taehyung vanished into thin air. He just stared at Taehyung with hurtful eyes not having any words to say. How can he say anything when those are the exact same words he used on Taehyung. Jungkook just flee away from the room as he always does. Truly he is so weak,,,,,so weak to face the reality.

"Why are you always doing things which I told you not to do?" Jungkook annoyingly muttered and plopped onto the sofa in the living room. Taehyung and Jungkook both are at home today because of the weekend. Taehyung thought to engage himself by cleaning the house meanwhile Jungkook began to throw out discouraging words for Tae every now and then. Simply he wants to stop Taehyung doing chores. Tae stood infront of the cabinet and began to dust the little statues and photoframes there. Suddenely Jungkook ran towards Tae and uttered

"Be careful! This is given by Rose!" pointing at a cute statue of rabbit. Taehyung noded pretending that he didn't mind still feeling an ache in his heart. After lingering there few more minutes Jungkook went back to living room letting Taehyung to breathe finally.

Today Taehyung is not feeling well. According to him the reason for this is hurting Jungkook early in the morning. He didn't think that Jungkook react that much upset about it. Taehyung is not the one to say any harsh and mocking things to anyone earlier. Seems like his husband is really testing his limits. After that moment everything happened as usual but Taehyung is not happy. He wants to apologize or say something about it to Jungkook but again his brain tells him not to do so. Because of this uncertain mindset and pain in his heart from time to time  Tae's day already became bad. Suddenely when Taehyung lost in his own thoughts a wave of pain rushed through his heart like a thunderbolt. Sweats began to form on his forehead in no time making him feel dizzy. He clenched tightly the shirt on chest area due to unbearable pain which made his knees buckled. Suddenely he plopped on the ground successfully breaking few statues on the cabinet. His eyes are blurry and can't pinpoint anything. Pain near the chest worsening every now and then making it so hard to breathe even.

"You broke the Rose's one------TAEHYUNG!!!!


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