She's hurting- Harry

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Harry was frustrated with his sister. She was going through a hard time, but she wouldn't talk to him about it. Instead, she shut him out completely, along with all the other sidemen in her life.

Harry was determined to find out what was wrong. He tried to talk to her, but she wouldn't open up. He asked her friends but they were just as tight-lipped. He was at his wits' end.

One day, he decided to take matters into his own hands. He snuck into his sister's room while she was out and searched for any clues. After a few hours of searching, he found a diary tucked away in the back of her closet.

The diary revealed that his sister was struggling with depression. She was feeling overwhelmed and alone, and was too afraid to reach out for help.

Harry was heartbroken to learn this. He felt terrible that his sister had been suffering in silence all this time. He vowed to do everything he could to help her.

He started by talking to her more often, and listening to her when she wanted to open up. He also made sure to let her know that he was there for her, no matter what she was going through.

After a few weeks, Harry's sister started to open up more. She was able to talk to Harry and the other sidemen about what she was going through. With their help, she was able to get the support she needed and started to feel better.

Harry was relieved to see his sister doing better. He was glad that she was able to open up to him and the other sidemen and get the help she needed. He was proud of her for being brave enough to face her struggles and take the steps necessary to get better.


Words: 310

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