Where is our daughter- Josh

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I was beyond livid with my boyfriend Josh. Where's our daughter I asked and he calmly said, "she's in her crib upstairs". "You left your baby alone with a bunch of YouTubers and loud music" I accused. I couldn't believe Josh had allowed our daughter to be in such an environment. Of all the irresponsible things to do!

Racing up the stairs my chest tightened with panic and I burst into her room to find her crying in her crib unheard from the loud music. I took her out of her crib, she clung to me tightly as if she was afraid I was going to abandon her. I walked down stairs. "Father of the year," I say to Josh sarcastically. She was fine I've been checking on her he says. Then why did I go in to find her in distress as her cries got drowned out by the music I yell. At this point the music has stopped and everyone is staring. We knew she was here and all the Sidemen checked on her as well she was really fine Vik says. No one went upstairs but them, we all made sure of it kept an eye out. As for her crying I'm sorry that music shouldn't have been that loud Josh says. I get that you were checking on her as well as the Sidemen but that still doesn't excuse the danger you put her in, she should have never been in a stressful situation like this in the first place I reply.

Back at our apartment building I slam the door shut before storming back downstairs again, "I can't believe this," I say to Josh "Why would you bring her to a party I yell. I'm sorry okay I truly did check on her multiple times he says. I get that but who knows how long she would have cried if I didn't show up when I did I say. She counts on you, looks to you for safety and comfort that she didn't have tonight I shout as tears stream down my face." After saying all this my hands start shaking and I realize my emotions are starting to get the best of me. I take a deep breath, wipe my eyes and tell myself to calm down. I am so sorry. Baby look at me, I love you and our little girl more than anything he says. Baby please look at me he pleads. I look away so he reaches out and pulls me towards him and holds me close. Everything will be okay, don't cry it will never happen again he says as he strokes my hair. I'm sorry if I overreacted I say. Look I know you were upset but she wasn't actually in any danger, she's perfectly safe, she's asleep in her crib and I think it's time you get some sleep as well he says softly. I love you I say as I get into bed. He gets in next to me kissing my forehead and holds me tight. It's gonna be alright he says reassuring me. I know Josh, I know he's sorry and feels bad about what happens he's an amazing father who just made a mistake. I fall asleep to his warmth and the sound of his heartbeat against mine. I wake up in the middle of the night unable to breathe. My breathing becomes shallow as my anxiety attacks set in. I sit up and rub my head feeling completely lost. I gasp for breath as my heart beats wildly in my chest. I'm sitting up on my bed holding my heart in pain as if it was breaking. I start to hyperventilate feeling dizzy and faint. Josh I say trying to get his attention. Josh I say again. I feel a comforting hand against my back. What's wrong what happened Josh asks softly. Why did you leave our daughter alone at the party I ask? What party I didn't leave her alone at a party he says. The party with all the YouTubers, you left her alone in her crib I went to get her and she was crying in distress I say. Baby I didn't go to a party he says. It's okay it was just a bad dream, it didn't happen he says. Come on he takes my hand lifting me off the bed leading me to the nursery. She's safe and sound he says as I stare at her sleeping peacefully in her crib. He leads me back to our room. So the party didn't happen I ask? No he says. I lay back down beside him closing my eyes as he rubs my back comfortingly lulling me to sleep in the arms of my loving husband.


Words: 975

It was all just a dream. Josh would never take your daughter to a party.

Have a lovely day!

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