He's missing JJ help- Harry

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I sighed. 'Harry's M.I.A. He was supposed to be here two hours ago and no response. I'm getting worried,' I said. I glanced down at the baby in my arms who was peacefully sleeping, unaware of the chaos unfolding around her. I'll text the boys, see if they know anything JJ says. Where is he I think.

I never thought that this would be the day I find out. I thought Harry was different, he always came when he said he would and now he's just gone. My heart sank as I felt a wave of worry fill me.

'Where do you think he could be?' I asked, though I knew I wouldn't get an answer. JJ just looked up; his eyes filled with concern and worry for me.   'I don't know,' he said finally. 'I'm sure he's ok.' I wasn't sure if I believed him, but I nodded anyway. As I rocked the baby back and forth in my arms I let out a long sigh. Where is Harry, I thought to myself. What could be more important than taking care of his family?

A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts. Could it be him. JJ went to answer the door only to come back with Vik. Vik scratched his head, "I don't know, mate. But let's not jump to conclusions. He might have a good reason for being late." He said to JJ.
As Vik entered the room, his concerned eyes met mine. "Hey, how's everything going?" he asked, trying to sound calm. I gave a weak smile and shrugged. "Not great, to be honest. Harry's not answering his phone, and he was supposed to be here hours ago. It's not like him to just disappear like this," I said, my voice tinged with frustration. JJ chimed in, his brows furrowed. "Yeah, he's not answering me either" he says.

I shifted the baby in my arms, feeling a pang of worry wash over me. "I just have a bad feeling about this, you guys. What if something's wrong?" Vik walked over and placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Look, let's not panic just yet. I'll reach out to some of his other friends and see if anyone's heard from him. Maybe he just lost track of time or got caught up with something unexpected." I nodded, grateful for Vik's reassuring words. "I hope you're right," I said, my voice soft. "But this isn't like him at all." As Vik made his way to grab his phone, I couldn't help but wonder what could have possibly kept Harry away for so long. My mind raced with worry, and the baby's quiet coos seemed to echo the concern in my heart. No one's heard from him Vik says coming back in the room.

The baby's cries filled the room. As they did, JJ and Vik exchanged a concerned glance before I hurriedly bounced the infant in my arms, trying to soothe her. Her tiny face scrunched up in distress, and my heart ached with the urgency of the situation. "Shh, shh, it's okay, sweetheart," I murmured, patting her back gently. Her cries wavered, but didn't stop. Is she okay Vik asked? She gets this way when she wants Harry I say.

Suddenly the phone blared to life. JJ grabbed it quickly and answered it. As he talked to whoever was on the other line he tried hard to hide the relief on his face. Simon is on his way with him JJ says. Relief washes over me. Where was he? A bar he says. He had me worried sick all day because he was at a bar getting drunk instead of his responsibilities for our family, that's just great. I mutter under my breath.

A while later he comes in with Simon helping him stand. I can smell the alcohol on him. You can't stay here not like this I say angry. Y/n please don't do this he says. I'm sure one of your friends here who helped look for you will let you stay with them I say. Y/n he pleads. No we were worried about you all day, Lex was crying for you. But you couldn't care less too busy at the bar. Not even sorry you left us without a word. You are such a selfish prick. A wave of anger overcame me as I looked at him. Get out I shout I making Lex who's still in my arms cry. I turn around tears now forming in my own eyes and head upstairs to my room. I take Lex in my arms rocking her back and forth letting her feel loved.

Y/N please I hear Harry shout. Come on JJ says as they try to get him to leave. I ignore him focusing on my child. After a while I hear the door leave I set Lex who is now asleep in her crib, closing the door quietly I slide against the wall sobbing. I pull out my phone finding the contact I want and press call. Mom I cry when the line connects. Honey what's wrong she says. I don't say anything just cry. I'll be there in a few she says. I hang up crying harder.

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