Overwhelmed- Ethan

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Ethan was out on holiday for the Sidemen. He loves his job and I would never take that away from him but I just wish he was here. We have 3 kids, twins a boy and girl along with a baby boy. I was at my wits end. I haven't showered in days, my hair has been in a messy bun for days, there was throw up on my shirt and I don't remember when the last time I got sleep was. Gabe get back here I yell chasing after him. No he screams. Gabe, now I say. Just then the baby monitor went off. I sigh going to tend to him as Gabe continues to run around. Mommy play please Lily asks holding up dolls in a minute okay I say walking to the nursery. I rock my baby boy gently to try and stop his crying as I walk back down the hall to the twins. Rawr Gabe says running around with dinosaurs. Gabe stop running before you get hurt. Play now mommy Lily says. Baby mommy's busy with your brother he's a little fussy right now I say. I get Eli to calm down and lay him his enclosed pen. I feel funny Lilly says. I check her forehead sure enough it's hot. Why don't we get you in bed you can lay with your bear, try to sleep. Okay mommy she says. I take her to bed checking her temperature it's not bad but not the best. She hugs her bear closing her eyes, I close her door quietly.

I want daddy Gabe says. He'll be home soon I say. Truth is I don't know when he will be home. Most of the time with Sidemen holiday they don't know where they are going or what they are doing. I'm hungry he says. I go to grab my phone but realize I have no idea where it is so I go to look at the time in the kitchen to see it's dinner time. Go play with your dinosaurs while I make dinner I say. Okay he says running off. After dinner is made I wake Lily up so she can eat then I stay to feed Eli as the twins eat. Here mommy Gabe says giving me a Dino nugget. What for I ask? Mommy eat too he says. Thank you buddy I say eating the Dino. Truth be told I don't remember the last time I ate. I left the dishes in the sink and try to get the twins to bed. They just scream as they run away from me.

After a half hour I finally get them to bed. As I sit in my room I let the tears fall down fall my face. My tummy hurts Lily says. I quickly wipe my eyes and hug her. Sing she says. I sing the sun will come out tomorrow she eventually starts to fall asleep to I take her back to bed as the baby monitor goes off. I pick him up change his diaper and rock him back to sleep was I walk around the house looking for my phone. I can't find it. I put Eli back in his crib and lay in bed as I'm reminded of how exhausted I am. I look at the clock beside my bed 2am. All I wanted was for Ethan to hold me in his arms.

The following day when I wake up I groan feeling terrible. My head aches but I push through it getting up to start breakfast. After I get the twins up and they eat Eli starts crying so go get him and when I come back the twins are fighting over their toys. I put Eli in his high chair as I put my head in my hands and close my eyes trying to fight off my headache again. Mommy look I'm flying Gabe says jumping off the table. Gabe no I scream. All the sudden he screams holding his arm in pain. It hurts he says. I can't believe this I think to myself my boys hurt. Lily starts crying because Gabe's screaming which makes Eli cry. My head starts pounding but I ignore it. It's okay I hear someone say amongst the chaos but I don't render it enough to realize someone is here. Daddy Lily screams. Tears roll down my face. Baby Daddy has to work remember I say. Daddy she says pointing behind me. I turn around to see Ethan with Eli in his arms.

I'm relieved he's home until I remember Gabe and his arm. Ethan sits the kids down to make sure their alright while I walk to our room. I sit on the edge of the bed and start sobbing. I hate feeling like this and the fact that I couldn't take care of our kids makes me feel worse. The tears start flowing freely, my head is pounding, I'm shaking, and I can barely breath. My thoughts are spinning and I can't think straight. All I can do is sit on the bed and cry. I'm a terrible mother.
I don't know how long I've been sitting there, but the door opens and closes quietly. Then there are arms around me, and it feels like a dam breaks inside of me. I cling to him, crying against his chest, letting him comfort me, even though it's my job to comfort him. But he just holds me, rubbing his hand over my back and making soothing noises, not saying a word. He just lets me cry. Eventually I manage to control my tears. Ethan is still holding me, rocking us both slowly, but I feel exhausted. So tired. My eyes close on their own accord, and the next thing I know, Ethan is tucking me into bed. He kisses me softly, then strokes my hair, and then I'm out.

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