I have had enough- Simon

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⚠️ TW mention of harm.

I had been dating Simon for almost a year now. We had met in college and quickly became the 'it' couple. Everyone was always in awe of our chemistry and connection, but what no one knew was how hard I had worked to stay with him.

From the very beginning, I had dealt with hate and criticism from Simon's fans. They didn't like him dating someone that wasn't one of them. Each week, I had to read through the hateful comments and messages that the fans were sending me, only made worse by Simon's complete ignorance of my suffering.

Below, I heard the sound of laughter and the clicks of camera shutters. That must be Simon and his friends, shooting a video for their Youtube channel. I tried to muffle my sobs, to prevent the boys from knowing I was crying, but it was no use. Tears rolled silently down her cheeks, and I wished I had the strength to be as carefree as they were.

I pulled the covers up tight around my shoulders as I cried in the dark, the laptop balanced precariously in my lap, scattered tissues forming a whirling sea around me.

⚠️ TW

I hadn't meant to start reading the comments, but I couldn't help myself. I scrolled through the endless messages, my heart beating louder with each pulse of the keyboard. So many people wanted me to die.

Dark thoughts filled my mind. Images of myself ending my life flashed unbidden, like a cruel film reel. I knew what some of my detractors wanted, and I had to admit that the idea of it had crossed my mind as well.

But then something stirred deep in my heart, something I hadn't felt in a while. It was anger. Anger at the people who were making my life so miserable. Anger at myself for letting them get me down.

Slowly, I pushed the laptop away, brushing away my tears. I would not give up; I would fight back. I would prove to those hateful people that they could not break me.

Finally, after months of being torn down and discouraged in my relationship, I had had enough. I randomly started packing my bag one night, determined to go back home to my family. I crept out of the house, tears rolling down my cheeks, letting the loneliness overpower my need to stay with Simon.

As I made her way down the stairs, away from the filming his group, the Sidemen, were doing in the living room, I heard a loud gasp. I stopped and glanced back to see Simon standing at the top of stairs, stunned and confused. He began to make his way down the stairs, but I ran out the door, determined to never look back.

Once I was out of the house, I got in my car and drove back home. I had to recover from months of abuse and bullying from Simon's fans. Although I was hurt and heartbroken, for the first time, I felt like I had taken back my power and control. For the first time, I was putting myself first.


Words: 523

You don't need a man to make you happy make yourself happy. If he can't defend or see your hurt he does not deserve you. I don't know you but you all are perfect in your own way don't forget that.

I originally wrote this in 3rd person but didn't like it so sorry if I missed anything while editing.

Have a lovely day!

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