Help- Simon

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The days of hate go on without a break and I can't help but feel helpless. I'm outraged but I know I'm not the one who can fight them. I wasn't even given a chance to speak up. It's like I'm invisible, hidden away in my room while the Sidemen and their fans go about their business and carry on like nothing is wrong.

The stress of it all starts to take its toll and I'm too exhausted to do anything but lay on my bed, the tears streaming steadily down my cheeks. I reach out with my fingers to grasp for the comfort of my beloved Simon, while he continues filming downstairs with the group they call Sidemen.

It's obvious that the hate I'm receiving isn't affecting him in the least. They carry on with what they always do—laugh and joke around, make videos—and I just sit and listen to it, feeling my very being become more and more drained.

I eventually summon enough energy to get out of bed and I head downstairs. I'm met with the sight of them all, crowded around a camera, caught up in their own world. I stand there in the doorway for a few moments, watching them before I finally break the silence. 'I...' I hesitate, searching for the right words to say. 'I need help.' My voice is barely audible, but it's enough to break the boys out of their trance. They all turn to look at me, eyes filled with confusion and surprise.

'What do you need?' Simon asks, breaking the silence. I swallow hard and manage to speak a few words, telling them about the hate that I'm receiving and all the death threats that accompany it. I tell them that I'm scared and that I feel helpless and alone. Simon comes over wrapping his arms around me as I cry into his chest. Nothing they say is true he tells me. The rest of the boys come over forming a group hug. How about we make a video, tell them what they are doing is wrong and that she is family, we won't stand for it Ethan asks? Ya, I like that Vik says. Thank you guys I say wiping my tears.

With the boys gathered around me, I don't feel alone any more. We formulate a plan of action to fight the people who are sending us all this hate, and with a newfound determination, I join them in the fight.

Most importantly, I finally feel like I have a voice. A voice that will be heard and respected. Together, me and the Sidemen prove that together we are much stronger, and as we laugh and film videos alongside each other, I know that I can finally face the hate that's been plaguing me for weeks.


Words: 471

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