Singing a lullaby- Simon

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I had been trying all morning to get my baby boy to calm down and take a nap. He had been fussy since sunrise and the only thing that seemed to soothe him was his father but he was busy. Simon, my boyfriend, and I had been living together for the last several months. We had both recently achieved some success by growing our Youtube channels. Simon was part of the Sidemen and I a successful beauty and lifestyle vlogger.

Today was one of the days when Simon was recording a particularly large project for his channel. Unfortunately, during his shoot, my baby boy started to cry and scream and the loud commotion seemed to only make him worse. In a desperate attempt to soothe him, I started to sing a lullaby that my grandmother taught me as a child.

But soon his eyes began to fill with tears as he started to cry and I quickly tried to soothe him, but nothing seemed to work. I felt a wave of frustration and exhaustion coming over me, and I got up desperate to find something, anything to make him stop crying.

Sitting in the nursery rocking chair, it had been a gift from my grandmother, a place where she would sing me lullabies as a child. I cooed and sang softly to my baby boy. I gazed into his tiny eyes, and he stared back. His little face lit up with joy every time I sang his favorite songs and his small hands reached out, touching my face.

That's when I heard the sound of friend's rough and rowdy laughter from the living room continue despite my boys cries.

My voice is usually soft and gentle as It will continue to be as I push back and forth in the rocking chair, but today is different. Instead of humming a lullaby, I'm singing a song I used to sing my younger brother when he was an infant as my grandmother did to me. been passed down through generations of my family.

I am desperately trying to get my baby boy to calm down, but he just won't.

I gently cradled my baby in my arms and began to sing him finding solace in the familiar embrace. As the first verse left my lips, the room seemed to hold its breath. The words flowed effortlessly from my lips, carrying with them the weight of countless soothing moments. The melody danced in the air, intertwining with the gentle rocking of the chair. As I sang, a sense of calm washed over us, enveloping the room in a blanket of tranquility.

The lullaby seemed to weave its way into the very fabric of our surroundings. The silence in the room amplified its power, the notes vibrating with a tenderness and love that only a mother's voice could carry. Each note carried a piece of my love and warmth, reaching out to embrace him in the midst of the storm. The enchanting tunes seemed to transcend time, bringing forth the spirits of my ancestors who had sung it before me.

The Sidemen, accustomed to their boisterous antics, paused for a moment, their attention drawn towards the soft, melodic sound that floated through the air.

The lyrics of the lullaby wove a story of dreams and wishes, of a world where everything is peaceful and serene. With each word, I poured my heart and soul into the song, pouring all the love and comfort I had for my little one. The melody resonated through my body, creating a bond between me and my child. Despite the chaos surrounding us, I sought refuge in the simple act of sharing a lullaby with my baby boy.

Minute by minute, the house grew quieter. The Sidemen, enthralled by the unexpected turn of events, listened in amazement as my baby gradually settled down, his cries turning into soft whimpers. It was as if the power of the lullaby had cast a spell on him, easing his distress and calming his restless soul.

As the song reached its gentle conclusion, a smile spread across my face as my heart swelled with love and pride. The house fell into silence, a stark contrast to the earlier chaos. The Sidemen, realizing the magic that had just unfolded before their ears, couldn't help but admire the bond between a parent and child, transcending the noise and distractions of their busy lives.

In that moment, I realized the power of music and the ability it holds to heal, to transcend beyond the boundaries of noise and chaos. It reminded me that sometimes, in the midst of the loudest moments, the softest melodies can bring about the greatest peace.

Just then, my boyfriend Simon and the other members of the Sidemen burst into the nursery. They were here to film a video for their channel and were full of energy and laughter, until they saw the situation in the nursery. The room suddenly fell silent when they saw me, tears streaming down my face, desperately trying to calm my baby down.

Simon rushed to my side and put his arm around my shoulder. He whispered that I was doing a great job and he admired my patience. He also apologized for the loud noise.

As I held my son tightly in my arms, looking down on him with love I could hear the Sidemen clapping, cheering me on. They were moved by my love for my child and the power of music, a power that I had just discovered.


Words: 926

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