Innocent truth or dare- Ethan

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My boyfriend Ethan was always full of vibrant ideas, and his latest one was to throw a party at our place. Little did he know that his innocent plan would uncover a painful chapter from my past, a chapter that had haunted me for years that I had been trying so hard to bury.

As the night of the party approached, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. I knew that the Sidemen, being a tight-knit group, would inevitably have questions about my life. And it was one particular aspect of my past that plagues me the most. The foster system had been my life's constant for years, and now, facing a group of complete strangers, the fear of my past being exposed was suffocating.
The night of the party finally arrived, and our house was soon filled with laughter, music, and conversation. Everyone seemed to be having a great time, completely oblivious to the storm brewing within me. We laughed, danced, and indulged in delicious food and drinks. It felt like the perfect night, filled with happy memories and limitless joy. It was apparent that Ethan's YouTube group knew how to throw a party. The Sidemen were known for their wild imagination and outrageous ideas, and tonight was no exception. We all gathered in the living room, and Josh suggested playing a game of truth or dare. Innocent enough, or so I thought. The game began innocently enough, with lighthearted questions and amusing dares. But as the alcohol flowed and inhibitions lowered, the questions became more personal and intense. My turn arrived, and anxiety bubbled inside me when someone asked the dreaded question: ""So, Ethan's told us a lot about you," he said mischievously. And of course we've all gotten to know each other.  "But I've always wondered, where are you from?" Simon, asked casually. The room fell silent, and I felt my heart sink and a cold shiver ran down my spine. I wasn't prepared for this question. Nobody knew about the dark secrets that haunted my past other than Ethan. I glanced at Ethan, hoping he would intervene, but he seemed as stunned at the question as I was, not expecting it. I had been moved around so much that it felt like I belonged nowhere. Memories of countless cramped rooms and cold faces flooded my mind, and an unexpected wave of sadness washed over me.

A sense of vulnerability hit me as I realized I would have to expose a part of myself I had carefully tucked away. Without thinking, I felt a lump form in my throat. Memories of a painful childhood flooded my mind. You see, I had come from a broken system, one that had failed to protect and provide stability for children like me. I had grown up knowing the pain of losing not only my parents but also my little brother. Reluctantly, I managed to choke out an answer, revealing that I had lost my parents at a young age I didn't really have a place to call home I didn't know where that was. Tears streamed down my face, betraying the pain that still lingered deep inside my heart. But there was one person who had been my anchor during those tumultuous times the reason I'm still alive - my brother, Jake. the memory of my lost brother cut deepest into my soul. Ethan, who had been sitting next to me, wrapped his arm around my shoulder, providing a small but reassuring sense of comfort.

Even in this moment of vulnerability, the Sidemen's curiosity pushed them to probe further. "Do you have any siblings?" JJ, a member known for his straightforward nature, inquired gently. The mention of siblings struck a chord deep within me, resurfacing memories I had desperately tried to forget.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I thought about my little brother, the one I had promised to protect. I revealed that I had a little brother. He was my world, and I fought with all the strength I had to keep him by my side, shielding him from the pain and uncertainty that the broken foster care system had inflicted upon us. I spoke of the countless homes we had lived in, the many schools each leaving an indelible mark on my soul. I described the feelings of invisibility and the constant longing for a place to truly call home.

I sighed recalling the moment when, unable to bear the abuse one of our many foster parents had unleashed upon him, I had stood up and fought back. I fought for him, for us, until the bitter end as I always did, landing myself in juvie. Nobody wanted to hear the side of a foster kid nor would they believe it, that's how the system works I explained. I took a deep breath before continuing. It was my time there that I lost all contact with him, and my heart shattered into a million pieces. The pain of losing my brother, coupled with the guilt of not being able to protect him, had become a burden I carried every day but I continued to try and fight for him. I felt hope when I finally was getting out but during my time there, I learned to build walls around my heart, protecting myself from any further pain so I didn't feel much I still somewhat don't. They have this ritual I guess you could say, when your getting out the others get jealous so they beat me up. The fight landed me in the hospital, physically beaten and emotionally scarred. When I could think properly I asked but never dared to show emotion though I felt it in the inside, no one would tell me where my brother was. My placement home wouldn't even look at me. I lost him forever to the tangled web of the foster care system. The weight of my brother's absence and my inability to find him haunted me every day.

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