Determined to wait- Ethan

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I stared at the wall, sweat dripping down my forehead, as another contraction twisted my stomach into knots. The pain radiated through my body, but I refused to let it consume me. I was determined to wait until Ethan, my husband, returned from the holiday he had gone on to film with the Sidemen. He had been away for a few days, and I couldn't bear the thought of bringing our child into the world without him by my side.

I convinced myself that I could hold onto this labor until his return. Each day, my brother, James, would visit me with a pained expression on his face. "Y/n, this isn't healthy. The doctors are concerned about you and the baby. You need to go to the hospital," he would plead, his voice filled with genuine worry. James had always been my rock, always there to support me through thick and thin. But even he couldn't understand the depth of my determination to wait for Ethan.

I stood in the living room, clutching my swollen belly as another contraction ripped through me. The pain was relentless, but something inside me refused to give in.

I clenched my fists tightly, trying to fight against the pain that coursed through my body. Sweat dripped down my forehead as I gritted my teeth and took deep, ragged breaths. Contractions came in relentless waves, leaving me gasping for air in between.

As the days turned into nights, my contractions grew stronger, closer together. I would time them meticulously, my heart pounding with a mix of fear and excitement. I longed to hold our baby in my arms, to witness Ethan's eyes filling with tears of joy as he saw our little miracle for the first time.
But midnight had come and gone, and there was no sign of Ethan. The night was the hardest; the loneliness echoed through the empty rooms of our apartment, intensifying the pain. I distracted myself by rewatching videos of Ethan's previous adventures with the Sidemen, searching for any hint of his happiness and presence.

I winced as another contraction ripped through me, causing my entire body to tremble. I had an overwhelming urge to push, to bring this baby into the world, but I shook my head resolutely, locking eyes with my brother.

As the sun began to set over the city, my contractions intensified, causing me to clutch the edge of the table tightly. James stood nearby, starting to panic, his eyes filled with concern and frustration.

"Please, y/n," he pleaded, "we can't wait any longer. The baby could come at any moment, and we need to make sure you and the baby are safe."

One day, as the sun was setting, I felt a sudden twinge, sharper than anything before. My breath hitched, and tears pricked my eyes. It was becoming harder to ignore the toll this waiting was taking on both me and our child. Doubt started to creep into my mind, eroding my resolve.

Fear filled his eyes as he saw the intensity of my contractions. "Y/n, we have to go to the hospital now. It's time," he urged, his voice both worried and firm.

Tears streamed down my face as I stared out the window, hoping to catch a glimpse of Ethan's familiar silhouette emerging from the darkness. I whispered, "Just a little longer, James. He's almost back."

Seeking a solution, James took it upon himself to reach out to Ethan, explaining the delicate situation looming back home.

Day turned into night, and the contractions continued to increase in both frequency and intensity. I paced around the living room, clutching my swollen belly, trying to distract myself from the pain. The living room walls were filled with pictures of Ethan and me, reminding me of the wonderful memories we had shared together. But in that moment, I found myself missing him more than ever.

As the clock struck midnight, a wave of pain surged through me, causing me to bend over and grasp the nearest piece of furniture for support. James rushed to my side, his concern etched on his face. "We can't wait any longer. We need to go to the hospital now," he demanded, his voice filled with urgency. I looked into his eyes, tears welling up in my own. "I can't, Luke. I promised myself I would wait for him," I murmured, my voice trembling.

Just as I was on the verge of giving up and admitting myself to the hospital, the door swung open, revealing a disheveled and exhausted Ethan. His eyes widened in surprise as he took in my condition. Without a second thought, he rushed to my side, dropping his bags on the floor.
"Y/n, what are you doing? Why didn't you go to the hospital?" he asked, concern etched on his face. His touch was gentle, as if he feared breaking me.
"I... I wanted you here. I couldn't do it without you," I whispered through gasps of pain.

Tears welled up in Ethan's eyes as he finally realized the depth of my determination. He understood that my love for him had eclipsed any fear or pain I had been enduring. He held my hand tightly, his presence filling the room with warmth and reassurance.

With Ethan by my side, the labor progressed rapidly as I finally went to the hospital. The contractions intensified, but I no longer felt alone in the struggle. Together, we fought through every wave of pain, with love as our guiding light.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, our baby was brought into the world. The room filled with the cries of a new life, merging seamlessly with our own tears of joy. I glanced at Ethan, his face mirroring a mixture of exhaustion and sheer elation. We locked eyes, sharing a silent understanding of the journey we had just overcome.

In that moment, I realized that love knows no boundaries or limitations. It pushes us to defy convention, to hold on against all odds. Our story had been written in the pain and perseverance, the anticipation and sacrifice. And as we held our child for the first time, I knew that our bond was unbreakable.

From that day forward, Ethan became more than just the love of my life. He became my partner in every sense of the word. Together, we embraced the challenges of parenthood, guided by the unwavering strength we had discovered during those long, achingly beautiful days of waiting.


Words: 1086

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