Homless with a baby- Josh

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I hear kids yelling a familiar name that I couldn't place. Sidemen was chanted to a bunch of men with cameras. Go away I scream with what little strength my hungry and disheveled body has trying to shield my crying baby from the kids crowding around us from our place on the ground. I ran away from my abusive ex with no where to go as he took me from my family with no way to contact them. He didn't recognize me at first his baby sister disheveled with dirty ripped clothes and a crying baby in my arms as I didn't recognized him either scared they were with my ex. Tears well up in my eyes as I try not to faint from the exhaustion and stress of the past few weeks. These men and my brother Josh were from the Sidemen, the popular YouTube group known for their prank videos. Josh I mumble on the verge of passing out not sure if he really is my brother or not. Lilly he say's recognition filling his eyes as realizes that in front of him is not a random person but his baby sister that's dirty, scared and weak holding a crying baby with a tiny hand wrapped around her finger protectively in her arms. It's my sister he yells shocked to the other sidemen and kids as they cheer in happiness making me back away in fear at the sudden loud noise. I begin to cry scared, as my brother takes my baby trying to calm him down as well as me. He's hungry and his diaper is dirty he won't stop I say weakly as my stomach lurches and I throw up with nothing in my system not remembering when the last time I ate was. I don't understand what's happening around me so I just sit on the ground still in shock as the other Sidemen smile at me warmly. I frantically look around for my baby amongst the Sidemen which causes Josh to hold me against him. Don't worry Lilly he say's taking my hand, your baby is safe I promise. We've got you, I can't believe it's really you he say's tears in his eyes and I realize in that moment that these men are more than just the pranksters on YouTube. It's alright tell me what happened. He says as he washes the sick of off me and had my baby safely cradled in his arms.

Josh smiled at his little sister as she slowly began to process what was happening. He loved her fiercely, but for the past few months, hadn't heard from her. Worried and scared about her, he and the other Sidemen had dedicated their efforts to try and figure out where she was, and to help her. Josh gently held his sister and the baby she had in her arms, showering them with love and protection. Josh didn't know it was his sister at first; she was so disheveled and scared that he didn't realize it was her until he called out her name. Josh tiredly wrapped me in his strong arms like he used to when I was little whispering soothing words in my hair that everything will be okay as I slump against him. He was shocked and relieved to finally find his little sister, who had been lost to him for months, in his arms. Seconds later one of the Sidemen came forward carrying my little baby in his arms and passed him back to me. No one will ever harm you or baby again he said as the other Sidemen agree. I hugged my baby tight and begin to sob silently as I realized I was safe with my brother and his incredible friends. I finally let my guard down and the strength of the past few weeks takes over me as I lay me head on his shoulder in exhaustion as he smiles and kiss my forehead.

The Sidemen all stand in wonderment as Josh cradles his sister in his arms. He places a protective arm around her as the other Sidemen all take in the sight before them. They had seen many poor and homeless people before but this was different. Josh's sister was clearly exhausted and malnourished, barely able to hold her newborn baby in her arms. Tears well up in the Sidemen's eyes as they see the sheer exhaustion and fear in Lilly's eyes as she clings to the baby, too scared to let her go. Josh takes a closer look at my baby, noticing that he is severely malnourished and dehydrated. He hands him to one of his friends, who immediately rushes off to get medical help. I watch as my baby is taken away, tears streaming down my face. Helping me stand with what little strength I have Josh takes me to the car the same one his friend went to with my baby. We are gonna take you to the hospital then your coming home with me he says. I nod grateful to have my brother.

As we pulled into his driveway, I felt a flood of relief wash over me. I had forgotten what it felt like to be safe and finally I could rest. Josh helped me out and I thanked him, still in disbelief at the kindness of the Sidemen and their generous help. I was so emotionally and physically drained I could barely walk as I saw my baby crying out of exhaustion in one of the Sidemen's arms. I kissed him on the forehead and he stopped crying instantly. I thanked the members of the Sidemen for taking care of my son in that moment and bringing me to safety.

Josh took us in letting us stay in his guestroom. I tucked my son in and finally felt at ease knowing he was safe and sound with his uncle protecting him.

I was exhausted and in need of a good night's sleep, but this was only the beginning of my journey to freedom, and I knew the Sidemen would be there every step of the way to make sure my baby and I were safe and taken care of.


Words: 1037

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