The hate- Simon

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I lay in bed from the weeks of waking up to the relentless hate that flooded my notifications and emails trying to get the energy to get up and take on the day. I had come to dread checking my social media in fear of seeing the hate directed toward me. I decided to sit up and open my computer. When I opened it I was immediately flooded with. notifications. I was scared to look but I bit my lip and began to read. Most of them were wishing me ill will, telling me to stay away from Simon. But some of them were far worse - countless death threats that made her tremble with fear. I hold back tears as I read another hateful comment sent my way. My boyfriend, Simon, and his group, the Sidemen, were down in the living room filming their latest video; none of them the wiser of the hate that was coming my way. I couldn't explain why people were saying the horrible things they were, hating on me just for being associated with the Sidemen.

I heard laughter and shouting coming from downstairs. I lay in bed, listening to my boyfriend Simon and his friends, The Sidemen, film a video in the living room. Despite the occasional laughter that I to loved to hear, I could barely force a smile.

The laughter coming from the living room below grew louder until it was unbearable. It wasn't that I was jealous of Simon and the Sidemen, but I wished he'd understand the pain I was going through. But his self-absorbed world made it seem like he was oblivious to my struggles.

I pulled the thick blankets up to my chin and tried to muffle my sobs. My laptop was on the pillow right in front of me, the harsh light of the electronic screen reflecting in the teary pools that had filled my eyes. I had made the mistake of looking at social media that morning; it seemed like the whole world was out to get me, and every comment I read was a stake to my heart.

'You should just kill yourself,' said one comment from an anonymous troll.

'Y/n, you're not worth anyone's time,' said another.

It felt like a million knives slashing at my heart, and the tears kept pouring out. I had turned to face the wall and looked longingly at a framed photo of me and Simon, taken a few months ago when I was still happy and in love. He is my everything, but I wished he was still upstairs in bed, arm around me, telling me everything was going to be ok.

Instead, his booming laughter filled the air from downstairs. I could hear him and his friends, partaking in the usual shenanigans. It was the same old story, he was still out there making something of himself, while I was stuck here feeling like nothing.

The sheer unfairness of it all broke my heart, and I soon began to contemplate ending it all. It's what the haters want, why not give them what they desire?

I wanted to tell them, to let them know the kind of people that were supporting them. But I knew it would cause too much of a disruption. I didn't want to be responsible for that. Besides, I knew they would never believe me, they loved their fans so much and wouldn't believe that they could do something like this. I had to be strong and just take it, I thought, but as I read through another death threat it all just became too much and I curled up in a ball and started to cry.

Despite my fear, though, I was determined to read each and every message. I needed to understand why they were sending this hatred my way, and why Simon was so oblivious to it all. It made my pain and fear well up inside her.

I was exhausted from reading but I eventually managed to make it through the long list of messages. As I lay back down in bed, I could still hear Simon and his friends that have become like brothers to me laughing like nothing was wrong.

The sound of laughter downstairs suddenly stopped and I began to shake uncontrollably, feeling like I couldn't breath as I tried to take in air. The shaking turned into sobs as I gasped for air, feeling the pain and fear surge up my throat until finally it was released in the form of vomit spilling onto the side of my bed.

Simon and his friends rushed upstairs, worried that something had gone wrong. They found me quite literally struggling for air. Simon pulled me into his arms, apologizing for not seeing me in such pain, he was trying to shield me from it hoping I wouldn't see it.

I laid there for a while, feeling the tears run down my cheeks as I tried to calm down in the arms of my love surround by the sidemen's worried faces. But then, I thought of something else, something that made me pull away and look Simon straight in the eyes. 'I want to live,' I whispered, as tears ran down my face. Eventually, I got up and walked over to the mirror, looking at my reflection and seeing the sadness that still lingered in my eyes. With love, he and his friends vowed to stop the insults and protect me from their fans.


Words: 919

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