Drunk livestream

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The day started out like any other. I got up to make breakfast. I decided on something simple eggs and toast. When I was finished Josh was still in bed I went to go get him. He was snoring and drooling.
"Wake up sleepy head." I said and gave him a little push. He mumbled something that sounded like "five more minutes" and turned away from me. I tried a few more times, but it was no use. "Fine." I said "if you aren't going to get up for breakfast, you're going to get up for your morning kiss." I gave him a quick peck on the cheek. That was his favorite thing in the world, my little morning kisses. That did the trick. Josh shot out of bed like a cannon. "I'll be downstairs in a minute." He said, and rushed to the bathroom. It was amazing what a few little kisses could do. I loved it though. I love him. "Good morning." He said, as he came into the kitchen. "Morning." I said, and gave him a peck on the lips. He seemed surprised at first, but then melted into it.
"Well, I'm glad you're finally awake." "Sorry about that." "Its ok."You're forgiven." I made some toast and eggs. We ate breakfast in silence. After we decided to go for a walk in the park. When we got to the park, we started walking down one of the many paths. The park was beautiful. There were flowers everywhere and the sun was shining. It was a perfect day. As we were walking, we started holding hands. I looked up at him and smiled. He looked down at me and smiled back. It was one of those moments when you just know that everything is going to be alright.

Hey josh do you know- - are you drunk I ask. I'm just live-streaming baby he says. That's not what I asked. Come here he says pulling me into his lap. If you don't already know this is my lovely girlfriend he says. He looks into the camera with a drunken smile on his face and gives a small wave. Josh you're drunk I say. Am not he says. I look at the camera and shake my head. Yes you are. Nope he says and shakes his head. Ok let's take a poll who thinks he's drunk. Everyone on the live stream says yes.

He just starts drunk rambling in that voice people make when they're trying to be all sexy and romantic but really sound like a retarded caveman who's had way too much to drink. Ok so Josh is very drunk but he's kind of cute. I look over at my boyfriend who's looking at the stream. I'm going to need to go back and watch this later I think. "Now that's some top notch cuddling right there," my boyfriend compliments. "Umm...thanks babe," I respond sarcastically. He kisses a little sloppily then pulls away. Everyone's saying we're cute he slightly slurs.
"You are really cute," I say with a laugh.
"You are the cutest girlfriend in the world," he says.
"And you are the best boyfriend in the world," I say.

  He starts acting out like it was us watching ourselves live. Asking us if we want him to start a drinking game because he wants us to win. I am so embarrassed for him right now. "Oh I'll give you a dollar for every time I say you're pretty he continues. My boyfriend laughs at the silliness. I lean into him a bit and rest my head on his shoulder. He smells like beer But he's still my favorite person in the world. We stay like that for a while. I don't know why, but I can't help but smile. "What are you thinking about?" he asks. "I'm thinking about how much I love you." "Aww, I love you too," he says, and then burps loudly. I can't help but laugh. He just smiles at me and burps again. He's so cute, even when he's drunk.

I think your cut off I say taking the drink from his hand. Not a chance he says taking the drink back. He takes a large swig. You are going to have a wicked hangover tomorrow I tell him. He just shrugs and takes another sip. I roll my eyes and shake my head. He ignores me and keeps drinking.
He is such a pain sometimes.
I reach over and take the bottle from him.
Hey give that back he says.
"Nope, you've had enough," I say, putting the bottle out of his reach.

I start reading the chat. They want to see you dance I say. No, not when I'm drunk. Well if you are too drunk you should stop drinking I tease. I'm not too drunk. Good, now you have to dance. I'll dance if you dance he says. Oh no not happening I say. He lifts me up from the chair and starts twirling me around then he starts doing some random dance moves. I start laughing at him. I don't think that's dancing I say. He just laughs and keeps dancing. You look ridiculous. He stops dancing and puts me down.
"What are you talking about? I'm a great dancer," he says, and then proceeds to trip over his own feet and fall onto the floor. I burst out laughing. He just lays there and laughs. I try to help him up but he won't work with me. Pull he says. I am pulling I say. Guys if you can hear me I'm not dead he yells. I pull harder only to fall to the ground with him. He tries to sit up but he's so drunk he keeps stumbling back down. I go over to his live and start talking. Reasons why you should not get drunk is Josh I say. I can hear him laughing at me or at himself. I look back at him and he is laying down flat. I guess he decided that would be a good time to take a break. I go back and look at his chat. Aww they love us. Look at all the hearts. We are so cute. My boyfriend agrees. It gets silent as I look at the stream. Josh is laying on the ground. Is he passed out? He looks asleep. I look back at the chat and they are all asking if he is sleeping. I decide that this is an opportunity I can't pass up. I walk over to Josh. I look down at him. You guys he is sleeping I say. I decide that I will take full advantage of the situation. I walk over to the computer and sit down. What should I do to a sleeping Josh I ask? Well first things first I take a picture of him sleeping and post it to his Instagram. Should I draw on him? What should I draw? Maybe a mustache or a beard? Put a beard but make it super dark he can't get it off I read. I grab a sharpie. This should be fun. I make his beard look like a badass. He's going to hate me tomorrow. I take a picture and post it to Instagram as well. This is the best thing ever. Josh baby wake up I say. No answer. Josh I shake him. He makes a noise but doesn't open his eyes. your still streaming I say. He sits up and looks at the computer. What happened? I don't remember anything he says. "Oh nothing, you just decided to get wasted, dance like a complete idiot, then pass out," I say. He looks confused, then he notices his face. "What the hell is this?" he asks, pointing at his beard. "It's your new look," I say, trying to contain my laughter. "You drew on me?!" "Yup, the whole stream saw it. It was their idea actually" I say, motioning to the computer. He stares at the screen, trying to process what just happened. "I hate you," he says. "I love you too," I say, and then burst out laughing. "Yeah, yeah, you're lucky you're cute," he says. He rolls his eyes and starts reading the comments. "You guys are so mean," he says, pretending to be offended. I just laugh at him.

Well guys looks like we are going to call it a night someone better watch out he says glaring at me. We both say bye and turn off the computer. He goes to the bathroom and then starts screaming that it won't come off. He looks so stupid right now. I can't take you seriously anymore I say. Oh yeah well you are not going anywhere he says. What are you going to do about it I challenge. You know exactly what I'm going to do he says. Then he's lunging at me I react quickly and pin his arms to the floor. What you didn't think I would put up a fight did you? I say. Nope he says. Now if I were you I would go to bed before anything else happens to your drunk self I say. Fine whatever I guess I can't win everything. He kisses me. Love you he says passing out at soon as he hits the bed.


Words: 1580

Have a lovely day.

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