Something isn't right- Tobi

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If you are going through something similar you are strong. I am so sorry if this is not represented correctly or if anything is just wrong in someway. Hopefully one day there will be a cure.

Hey you okay Tobi says walking into the bathroom. Yeah I'm okay I say lowering my shirt quickly. I've got to go back but I will be back in 3 days he says. Have fun hopefully your on the good team I say. I hope so too, love you. Love you too. He just left for a Sidemen holiday so now it's just me. I decide to clean. As I'm wiping off the kitchen counter I start have trouble breathing a pain radiates through my chest. I've felt like this for a few days but didn't want to worry Toby, it's nothing I'm sure. I get back to cleaning and before I know it it's the end of the day.

The next day I feel the same tightness in my chest, and this time it is accompanied by a headache. Still thinking nothing of it I continue doing laundry. Later in the day I get a call from Tobi. Hey just one more day until I'm home he says. You may have just left yesterday but it feels like forever I say. He laughs and tells me he got on the good team this time. That's great I say griping the counter as I try to catch my breath. You miss your boyfriend already I hear JJ yell. Making me laugh. Yeah you wish I shout back. Well I love you see you tomorrow. I love you too. After we hang up I go back to cleaning the living room. I have been feeling this tightness in my chest for a few days but I know it's nothing it last a few minutes than goes away. Today is the worst it has been though, it has been occurring more frequently. I try to ignore it the best I can.

The next morning my tight chest and headaches are worse than they have ever been. I take a deep breath and continue getting ready. I'm currently gripping the bathroom counter as I try to catch my breath. I'm back Toby's voice sounds throughout the house.
Are you okay he asks me. I'm fine I say standing upright. How was your holiday I ask. Oh pretty good it was chaotic he says taking his shirt off to get in the shower. Nice I say smiling slightly. I'll go make lunch I say leaving him to shower. As I walk back to the kitchen I start having difficulty breathing again. The pain starts in my chest. I grab the counter as I gasp for air. Tears spring to my eyes. What wrong Toby appearing at my side in concern. I don't know, something isn't right I say starting to cry. Okay babe relax come sit down he says gently guiding me over to the couch.

You need to tell me what's going on and don't lie to me baby. It's hard to breathe I say wincing as another pain shoots through my body. Toby wraps his arms around me and rubs my back trying to calm me down. I put my head against his chest and sob into his chest as another pain hits me. You're going to go to the hospital Tobi says firmly rubbing my back. My body tenses. No that won't help! I shout struggling to stand. He looks at me shocked, then quickly pushes me down onto the couch and wraps an arm around my waist. No hospital please I say. He knows how much I hate them. You need help we don't have a choice he says. I'm fine I've lasted a week I can last more I say. A week, why didn't you say something? He says. I thought it was nothing I didn't want to worry you. Look I promise I will be fine I said wrapping my arms around him tightly. We are going to the hospital he says. I nod not wanting to argue anymore.

We pull up to the emergency room and he helps me out of the car. We walk in together and after being asked some questions we are shown to our room. I lie down on the bed. My hands begin to shake as I think about how bad it has gotten in such a short amount of time. Tobi sits beside me holding my hand. My mind is running a mile a minute with thoughts about what it could be. They check my blood pressure and heart rate which make them concerned. Tobi takes my hand. It's okay He says sitting up. After several hours of tests the doctor enters with the results of the tests. Her face falls when she reads them. She turns to look at us. This means you have Leukemia she says. Tobi begins crying and wraps his arms around me as he pulls me into a hug. They explain there are treatments that will give me a chance at life but it will require chemo and radiation. You will lose your hair, and you will be extremely weak and get sick during treatment she says. She shows us where to sign to allow her to treat me. I am numb, how could I have gotten cancer. But my mind does not register what she is saying. Instead I think about what would happen if I had to go through chemo and radiation treatments. I think about all the pain I would have to endure. I look up at Tobi, tears in his eyes. You will do everything you can to fight this and beat it, he says squeezing my hand. He continues to hold my hand and rock me gently as I start to cry again. You can go home for now but I will see you back here tomorrow to start treatment she says. Tobi smiles reassuringly at me and kisses me softly on the forehead before he gets up to help in the wheel chair the nurse brought.  When we get back to the apartment he holds me close as we try to digest what happened. It all seems so unreal. I stay awake most of the night unable to sleep. Tobi comforts me until finally I fall asleep wrapped in his arms.

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