Wedding- Harry

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Harry and his girlfriend had been planning this for months, dropping hints to each other with a knowing smile that something amazing was in the works.

The secrecy of the plan was what made it all the more exciting. Neither of them wanted anything fanfare or a large wedding. Just a small intimate ceremony with just the two of them. And, where better to have it than Las Vegas?

They made the plane reservations, booked the wedding chapel, and made sure everyone, especially the sidemen, were left in the dark for the entire process. If anything, they wanted the surprise of when Harry came back home to be even more special.

On the morning of the wedding, Harry and his future wife woke up early and had a light breakfast at a local diner. Then with a few Metro cards, they were off. Their destination: the wedding chapel!

The ceremony was short and sweet, but it was perfect. Just as they planned, their love was celebrated and bound in the simplest of forms. When it was all said and done, they were happily married.

By the time Harry got home, all the sidemen were in quite the state. They were relieved to see him in one piece and were even more surprised when they found out where he had been. They celebrated the newly married couple and showered them with gifts and well wishes.

Harry had expected his marriage to be a well-kept family secret, but the sidemen had made sure everyone knew about it. While the rest of the world was surprised to hear of his nuptials, the sidemen were excited to see he had taken the plunge in such a unique way!


Words: 287

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