Chapter 1: Katzuku

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"Fusion talking"


Ever since that first miraculous child was born nearly two-hundred years ago, people throughout the world have developed incredible powers and abilities once only seen in fairy tales and comic books. Such abilities, called Quirks, are developed around the age of four. Most are rather passive, but a lucky few are gifted with a Quirk of incredible power. From manipulating the elements, to overwhelming strength, to affecting the minds of those near; the possibilities are literally endless.

And when they appear, it can be quite a shock for an unexpecting child. Even more so as they first learn how to use it.

Izuku Midoriya is one such child.

It was a peaceful morning in the Midoriya household. Inko Midoriya was washing dishes in the kitchen of her modest apartment. It was small, but homey, the walls covered in pictures of her and her son Izuku.

Every few seconds, Inko would look over her shoulder, keeping an eye on Izuku as he played in the living room. He was in the middle of his Saturday morning cartoons, reenacting the colorful action on screen with his favorite toy, an action figure of the hero All Might. Inko smiled to herself as he laughed and played, hopping around in his footy pajamas styled to look like the number one hero, his green hair curling out of the hoody.

"Never fear, citizens! This villain shall threaten you no more! Why? Because I am here!"

Inko chuckled to herself as Izuku started chanting 'All Might! All Might' under his breath, a childish recreation of a cheering crowd.

Yes, a normal peaceful morning, unlike any other.

Then... it happened.

Inko saw a brief flash of green light out the corner of her eye. She turned her head in surprise, looking for the source, but all she saw was Izuku facing the TV, coming to a stop as something drew his attention. Thinking the flash had just been from the TV, Inko went back to scrubbing their breakfast plates-


Inko's heart leapt into her throat as Izuku let out a panicked wail. She whirled around, only to find Izuku running towards her as he clutched at his right hand against his chest. She knelt down to him instantly, completely forgetting her sopping hands as she put them on his shoulders. "Izuku! Izuku, what's wrong, sweetie?"

Izuku stared up at her, his panicked green eyes brimming with tears. "My hand ate All Might!"


Inko blinked at him, taking a moment to register what he'd said. "W-What?" She asked haltingly, a slight laugh of bemusement escaping her.

Izuku just sniffed, then showed her his hand. "Look!"

Inko couldn't help but let out a sharp gasp as she saw her son's hand. His entire hand had turned a collage of reds, blues, and yellows, all swirling together across his skin. She gently held his hand in her own, flinching slightly as she felt hard plastic rather than flesh, the light reflecting off the glossy material. She squeezed his palm gently, but there was no give. It was as if his whole hand had turned into plastic.

"Izuku..." She murmured, both in fear and in wonder. "What happened?"

Izuku's tears had finally started to fall as he gasped between sobs. "I-I was just p-playing with All M-Might, and then-and then my hand got all t-tingly, and -th-there was a l-light, and now All Might's goonnnne!"

Inko pulled Izuku into a hug as his crying grew worse, forcing down her own panic as realization slowly started to form in her mind. "Izuku... Izuku, it's okay, sweetheart." She rubbed comforting circles on his back as he held onto her, sobbing into her chest. "Please calm down, Izuku. I think I know what happened."

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