Chapter 7: Hero Class, Part 2

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In the viewing room, Class 1-A were trapped in a stunned stupor, only broken by bouts of quiet muttering.

"Hehe..." Kaminari chuckled lightly, though it sounded forced. "They're all really going all out, aren't they?"

"They're crazy, is what they are!" Mineta suddenly shouted, staring at the hole Izuku had made in the fifth floor of the building in fear. "Midoriya just took a swan dive off the roof!"

"I know, right!" Kirishima pumped his arms excitedly, giving a shark-toothed grin. "So manly!"

Aoyama hummed as he watched a replay of Izuku's fall. "Hmm. I'm afraid he fell rather gracelessly to consider that a swan dive. Regardless, the way his skin sparkled in the sunlight... quite éblouissante, is it not?"

"I'm more concerned with Todoroki, to be honest," Ojiro admitted, rubbing the back of his head nervously. He looked at the only working camera left in Todoroki's room, showing the ice-user standing in the middle of his frozen creation, the open space around himself being barely half the size the room originally was, the bomb behind him encased in an icy cocoon. "He's being a little excessive, don't you think?"

"The mission is just to protect the bomb and stop the heroes, ribbit," Tsuyu said plainly. "He can do both just by standing there."

Sato crossed his arms, frowning. "Man, he's barely even moved. Is he even trying?"

At the front of the room, All Might watched the proceedings silently. He already had a list of mental notes he would have to go over with Izuku later, not the least of which being his troubles with One for All. He couldn't fault the boy, for he hadn't seen the issue of his Quirks interacting in such a way either, but he could already see the problems it was going to cause moving forward.

For the moment, he was more concerned with what he and Momo were about to do, and the reactions of his students when they saw.

At the back of the room, Katsuki and Ochako kept their eyes trained on the smokescreen in the middle of the road. Ochako kept a fist to her mouth, biting her knuckles softly in worry, while Katsuki just watched stoically, waiting.

"Hey, what was that?"

All the chatter in the room ceased at Toru's exclamation, one of the invisible girl's disembodied gloves pointing at the central monitor. Everyone turned, most just catching the tail end of a bright green flash from within the smoke.

"Here we go..." Ochako said aloud, drawing the attention of everyone around her. The class watched curiously as the smoke cloud slowly dissipated.


"What the hell!?"

"Who the heck is that?"

"Where'd she come from!?"

"What happened to Midoriya and Yaoyorozu?"

"Is she wearing their clothes?"

"Where'd they go!?"

"That's them."

Everyone turned as Katsuki's voice rose above the baffled cacophony, finding him staring intently at the center screen."

"Uh..." Kirishima glanced between Katsuki and the screen warily. "What do you mean, bro?"

Katsuki spared him a quick glance, before pointing to the person on screen. "That chick is Deku and Ponytail."

Kirishima blinked. "Uh... what?"

"It's Deku's Quirk," Ochako said, looking at the new Fusion with a soft smile, drawing even more bewildered looks. "It's his trump card. Human Fusion."

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