Chapter 2: Katzuku Vs. Sludge

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Ten Years Later

"She obviously has increased strength and durability in her larger form. She's got to be athletic to kick downward from that height. I wonder if she can decide her size, or can only change to one size? Her metabolism must be through the roof to compensate for the change in mass. Otherwise, she'd pass out the moment she got bigger. I wonder how she-"


Izuku jumped as someone's palm slammed down in front of him, right over his notebook. He looked up in surprise to find Katsuki sitting at the desk in front of him, giving him an annoyed glare.

"You're mumbling again, Deku," Katsuki grumbled, mindful of the mindless chatter going on around them. "Keep it quiet before someone else calls you on it." He sent a harsh look at a boy a few seats over, unfortunate enough to had met his gaze.

Izuku felt his cheeks warm as the boy quickly looked away. Doing a quick scan of the classroom, he saw several other students giving him sidelong glances, a few with unkind smiles on their lips. He shrank a little in his seat, quickly turning his eyes back to his desktop. "Sorry, Kacchan," he muttered under his breath.

Katsuki gave him a flat stare. "Stupid Deku, don't-" He cut himself off with a roll of his eyes, clicking his tongue in annoyance. He looked down at Izuku's notebook, raising a brow at the full-size sketch taking up one page. "That who you're mumbling about?"

Izuku perked up a little. "Y-Yeah. She's one of the new Pro Heros, Mt. Lady. She was part of a villain fight I saw on my way here today."

Katsuki growled under his breath, smacking Izuku's desk in frustration. "Dammit, I knew I shouldn't have left early today! I could have seen it in person."

Izuku gave him a sympathetic smile. "I made notes about the whole fight. Do you want to see them?"

Katsuki was already reaching for the offered notebook when the classroom door clicked open. Katsuki spun back around in his seat as their teacher walked in, muttering a quick "Later," to Izuku.

Izuku's smile widened just a bit.

For most of the day, class proceeded as normal, crawling by at a snail's pace. But just before they left for the day, their teacher had an announcement, picking up the stack of papers he'd arrived with.

"As you're all now third-years, it's time to start seriously thinking about your futures. Now, I've got printouts for various high schools and their requirements to hand out..." The teacher then smirked. "But I think I already know which ones you all want to see. You're all aiming to be heroes, right?"

The entire class erupted into cheers, several of them firing off their various Quirks in their excitement. The only ones not joining in the fun were Katsuki, who rolled his eyes at his classmates, and Izuku, who just shrunk into his chair.

"All of you, settle down! No Quirk usage while in class." There were murmurs of discontent, but everyone slowly calmed down and fell back into their seats.

Katsuki scoffed under his breath. "Bunch of extras," he muttered rather loudly, drawing dark looks from the students around him.

Izuku frowned at him, quietly warning, "Kacchan..."

Katsuki glanced back at him but was interrupted by the teacher. "What was that, Bakugo?" He called, giving the blonde a sharp look. "Do you have something to say to the class?"

Izuku stiffened, giving Katsuki a pleading look. Katsuki held his gaze for a moment, then smirked. Izuku's shoulders slumped, looking up at the ceiling in despair as Katsuki kicked his feet up on his desk, his smirk turning feral. "Just that you shouldn't go lumping us all together like that. This bunch of extras is gonna need more than their weak-ass Quirks if they want to be real heroes."

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