Chapter 10: USJ Part 2: Going Beyond

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Tsuzuru bit back a whine as she soared over the USJ grounds, clinging to Aizawa as much for comfort as to protect him. None of her three components had ever been this high up before, especially not due to their own power. The fact that she'd managed such a feat with a single leap didn't help matters. Under better circumstances, she might have found it interesting, maybe even fun.

But a quick glance down at all the criminals below, even if they were unconscious, pretty much sucked any potential joy out of the situation. She may have managed to incapacitate the main threats (possibly permanently in the case of Nomu, and, no, she refused to think about that at the moment), but there were still dozens of villains throughout the facility, and her classmates were scattered all over the place. Not to mention that she'd managed to personally insult the leader of the invasion, and if Shigaraki and Kurogiri managed to get out of their sticky situation...

Tsuzuru shuddered. No, they weren't out of danger yet. Not even close.

She was able to relax slightly when, as they started to descend, she could see the flashes of Katsuki's explosions drawing closer, the building's entrance growing larger. She spotted a small crowd of people just behind him, two facing down the stairway with him, the others surrounding the shredded, prone form of Thirteen.

Tsuzuru gulped. Nope. Not out of danger. Not even in the same time zone.

As they neared the ground, she shifted her body to get her feet under her. She tried to angle herself properly, lifting her tongue and arms up so that Aizawa wouldn't get jolted too bad in the landing. When her feet hit the ground, she could feel the stonework crack, drawing everyone's attention.

She'd come in from such a high angle that none of them saw her coming until she'd landed right between the two groups. Shoji and Ochako jolted in surprise, the latter letting out a yelp even as she moved protectively in front of Thirteen. From the other side, Sero and Mina had similar reactions, their attention on the stairway broken as they turned their heads around.

But Tsuzuru barely noticed them. Her focus was put solely on Katsuki, who had whipped his whole body around the moment she touched down, a fierce scowl on his lips as he took aim with his gauntlets.

Tsuzuru wasted no time, having half-way expected this. She threw her hands in the air, waving them back and forth as she moved Aizawa behind herself with her tongue. "Wait, Kacchan! Don't shoot!"

Katsuki faulted in his movements, both at the nickname and at his targets appearance. "Frog Face? Wait..." He squinted at her for a moment, his eyes darting over her features before widening. He lowered his arms. "Deku?"

"Uh... well," She let out a nervous laugh as she lowered her arms, giving her head a small shake so-as to jostle the purple orbs hanging from her bangs. "You're two-for-three, Kacchan."

Confusion colored Katsuki's features. "Two-for... wait, that's... Grape Stain!?" He practically screeched. "How the hell do you look like the Grape Stain and-"

"Bakugo, look out!"

Katsuki jerked back around at Sero's panicked call, just in time to see a villain whose head took up their entire torso jump over the tape-boy's attack.

"Bye-bye, brats!" The villain yelled, both his arms raised to give an overhead slam to Katsuki's head...

Only to find both of Katsuki's gauntlets pointed right at his face.

"Get lost!"

The villain gave a girlish scream as he was enveloped in Katsuki's explosion, his charred body rolling down the stairs like a bowling ball, inadvertently knocking over some more of the approaching villains.

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