Chapter 11: USJ Part 3: Knight and Shield

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USJ, Central Plaza

In a day full of surprises, some good, most bad, finding out that his explosions were pink was a rather minor oddity for Katzuchako.

He barely even had time to register the color as, not even a second after unleashing a massive explosion at Nomu, the beast lept right out of the fireball, singed, burned, and not slowed down in the slightest.

Katzuchako cursed under his breath, leaning back as Nomu swiped at him with its claws. He felt a familiar lurch in his stomach as he started flying backwards, his heels skimming the ground. Nomu's claws missed him by inches, nearly catching the Fusion on the nose. Nomu didn't stop, rushing after the teen, swiping wildly. In turn, Katzuchako brought up both gauntlets, hitting one of the many triggers at Katsuki's disposal.

The four barrels on each gauntlet started to rotate around his wrists like mini Gatling guns. There was a sharp clang of metal on metal inside the gauntlets, the tanks within them being sectioned off into smaller parts. Just a moment later, the gauntlets fired, unleashing a constant stream of compact explosions right in Nomu's face.

The beast roared as pink blasts engulfed its face, the sudden burst of light blinding it. Through sheer instinct, it threw up a hand to cover its eyes. Katzuchako took his chance, willing himself to be thrown to the side, out of Nomu's way. He rolled as he hit the ground, Nomu running past him for a few paces before screeching to a stop. As the monster began to turn around, Katzuchako launched himself forward, rearing back his arm.

"Smash... BLAST!"

Katzuchako hit Nomu right across the jaw, gauntlet firing at the moment of impact. The beast's head jerked to the side, nearly spinning round. Katzuchako gave a mad grin in triumph...

Only to have his eyes widen as Nomu reared back around, smacking the young Fusion away with the back of its massive hand. Katzuchako barely ducked down out of the way, feeling the massive limb brush his hair. With a growl, he leapt forward, landing three explosive blows against Nomu's midsection.

Nomu squawked in surprise, it's skin burning as Katzuchako's blows landed. It instinctively kicked it's leg up at the same moment Katzuchako went for another punch. Caught mid-motion, the Fusion had no chance to block the blow. Nomu's foot connected with his chest, punting him up into the air.

Katzuchako tried to catch himself and hover before he went too high, but Nomu was too fast. The beast had already jumped up after the Fusion, its arms raised over its head, bringing them down on the back of Katzuchako's head.

.Katzuchako let out a yell as he was spiked back towards the ground, his body colliding with the large fountain at the center of the USJ. The fountain exploded in a cloud of water and stone, Katzuchako tumbling across the ground behind it.

Katzuchako groaned as he pushed himself back up, his body feeling on fire as he put a hand to his forehead, a series of large cracks going through the glass of his helmet. He was slightly disturbed to find that his chest hurt worse from Nomu's hit then his back did from breaking the fountain. And if he was perfectly honest... breathing shouldn't hurt like that.

"Dang... can't take to many of those." He hissed, pushing himself up to one knee. He put an arm around his midsection, trying to feel if he'd taken any serious damage. He didn't have time to really look, though, not when he heard Nomu's screeching roar rushing near.

Katzuchako instantly threw up his free hand, catching the burned, smoking creature mid-run. As Nomu struggled, he angled his arm up, lifting the beast off the ground. Gritting his teeth against Nomu's struggling, Katzuchako took aim at what looked like an abandoned building far off in the distance, half-buried in earth and debris. He tensed his hand and Nomu was sent flying off, roaring all the way.

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