Chapter 6: Hero Class, Part 1

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The next day, Izuku came to a rather odd realization. Despite being the number one most prestigious hero school in the country, UA was remarkably... normal. Just like in middle school, they had the standard classes of Math, History, English, etc. The only exciting bit was that they were all taught by Pro Heroes, but even a fanboy like Izuku couldn't really keep his excitement up listening to Ectoplasm drone on about derivatives.

But then came the class they had all been waiting for: Hero Class.

When All Might arrived for class (clad in his Silver Age costume for some reason) and opened the compartments for their costumes, Izuku couldn't help but feel apprehensive. He, Katsuki, and Ochako had spent days after the exam going over their ideas for costumes, each of them having several ideas, both good and bad. Izuku had fretted over his own extensively, trying to come up with a design that would cover all his necessary bases. He finally decided on one to send for UA to make, but he was worried that they wouldn't be able to craft it exactly how he'd drafted it, given it's... unconventional design.

As he stared up at the suitcase that held his costume, he couldn't help but swallow slightly. He reached out, grabbed it by the handle, lifted...

...and nearly had the case drag him to the floor, hitting the ground with a heavy thud.

The noise drew the attention of most of the class, gaining him startled looks. "Woah, dude," Said Sero, the boy with the Tape Quirk, looking between Izuku and the case. "You okay?"

Izuku took a moment to blink down at his case. He tugged at it slightly, measuring the weight of it. Then a wide grin spread out over his face. "Yeah," he replied with a disbelieving laugh. "Yeah, I'm great." With a bit of a heave, he lifted the case off the ground. Now aware of just how heavy it was, he could lift it with little issue.

Sero gave him and the case a dubious look, then just shrugged. "Okay, if you say so."

Izuku nodded for him, then made to follow All Might down to the bus.

Once they reached Ground Beta, the same fake city that the Entrance Exam had been held at, All Might herded the students into a set of locker rooms to change into their hero gear. Once Izuku had opened his case, he couldn't help but just stare at his costume for a moment. If it hadn't been for Katsuki yelling at him to hurry up, he might have just sat there in the locker room for the rest of the day in a stunned stupor.

At first glance, the suit wasn't all that impressive. On the surface, it looked like a simple jumpsuit, mostly a light green broken up by solid bands of silver running along his forearms, around his waist, and up the middle of his chest, all the way to his neck. There was a pair of red boots with a matching utility belt, and a pair of thick, fingerless white gloves.

(Katsuki had nixed the hood design and mouthguard he'd wanted, on the grounds that it made him look like a 'bootleg All Might plushie'. Izuku tried to defend his design, but when Ochako voiced her apologetic agreement with Katsuki, the dejected fanboy gave up on the idea.)

Pretty basic looking, honestly. But there was a reason for its simplicity.

Decked out in his new hero suit, Izuku flicked a finger against the silver band running up his chest. He beamed when it made a sharp metallic ting!-ing sound, betraying its true nature beneath the clothlike appearance.

His appraisal of his suit made him the last one to exit the locker room, finding the entire class gathered in front of All Might at the entrance to the fake-city. He couldn't help but gawk a bit at everyone else's costumes, his mind already trying to work out the purpose and advantages of all the bright colors and intricate designs.

He briefly made eye-contact with All Might. The Number One quickly looked him up and down, giving him a subtle nod as his ever-present smile grew wider. Izuku felt his cheeks warm a little at the praise.

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