Chapter 5: Class 1-A

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The next few weeks passed in a blur. Ochako and Izuku had officially traded numbers, along with Ochako giving Katsuki her number so they could all stay in contact. That became a bit of a moot point after Ochako revealed she was looking for an apartment to rent closer to UA, and Inko had informed them she and Izuku's building actually had an opening on the floor below them.

They had officially received their UA acceptance letters one week after their meeting with All Might, with Izuku and Ochako discovering that they had each earned an extra 50 Rescue Points on top of their original scores, putting Izuku at third overall at 75 points and Ochako at number one with 78. This not only completely gobsmacked Ochako, but angered Katsuki to no end upon finding out that she'd edged him out for first, landing himself at 2nd with just his 76 villain points. This had dubbed her an official rival in his eyes, much to Ochako's confusion and Izuku's exasperation.

Then came Izuku and Katsuki's last week of middle school. Their classmates had been completely blindsided upon learning that Izuku had not only made it into UA, but was third in the exam. While Izuku did his best to stay out of sight and out of mind for the last week, Katsuki seemed to thrive in the fact that the 'jackasses' that had derided his friend for so long now had undeniable proof that they were wrong, and had no problem saying so at every opportunity. He'd even flipped off the class as a whole as he left on the final day of school, laughing as he dragged a mortified Izuku back to his apartment to celebrate.

Once Ochako had officially moved in, Izuku's routine had changed a bit. As Inko wasn't entirely comfortable with the girl living all by herself, she'd extended a permanent offer for Ochako to join her and Izuku for breakfast and dinners, something Ochako eventually had no issue accepting once Inko convinced her it was no trouble.

Ochako integrated herself pretty well with Izuku and Katsuki, finding herself roped into their hero discussions rather often. As the first day of UA rapidly approached, the three would find themselves huddled around the Midoriya's coffee table, going over costume ideas and different ways to use their Quirks. It surprised Ochako to no end when Izuku revealed his vast library of Hero notebooks and managed to break her Quirk down in ways she'd never even considered.

She and Katsuki had an... interesting dynamic. Calling them friends was a bit of a stretch, at least if Katsuki was asked, but Izuku couldn't think of them as anything else. Katsuki at least tolerated Ochako's presence far more than anyone from their middle school, and Izuku had a sneaking suspicion that his blonde friend was more impressed by her then he'd ever admit. The fact that she never seemed intimidated by him in the slightest, no matter how surly Katsuki got, probably had something to do with it.

And they both had one major common goal that quickly got them working together more often than not: breaking Izuku of his self-sacrificing habits.

Easier said than done.

Before they even knew it, the first day of UA was upon them. After a large breakfast and teary farewell with his mother, Izuku and Ochako met up with Katsuki and made their way to the train station. And the whole ride there, Izuku just could not calm down.

"Seriously, Deku, freaking relax already," Katsuki growled irritably, slinging his backpack over one shoulder as they made their way up the street.

Izuku hung his head, well aware of how his whole body wouldn't stop shaking. "I can't..." he whimpered.

Ochako stifled a giggle. "Could you at least try? You're going to vibrate out of your shoes at this rate."

Izuku just moaned mournfully, prompting Ochako to give him a small pat on the back... and stifle more laughter.

They finally reached the school, and Izuku couldn't help but look around at all the other students milling around the grounds. He had a mini-freakout everytime he recognized an upperclassman from the previous year's Sport's Festival, but Katsuki was quick to pull him along before he could gawk for too long. After searching around the surprisingly large campus for a bit, they managed to find their homeroom with a few minutes to spare.

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