Chapter 4: Share the Pain

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"Wait... you turned into a girl?"

Izuku groaned as Katsuki's mother smirked at him, his cheeks reddening. It had been a few hours since the exam ended, and he and Katsuki decided to game a little at Katsuki's house to unwind. Well, Izuku needed to unwind. Katsuki was in a perpetual good mood after Present Mic had not-so-subtly implied he'd gotten the highest score as they were leaving UA.

Unfortunately, Mitsuki had wanted all the details of both of their exams, sitting on the couch behind them as the boys sat cross-legged on the floor, trying to one-up each other in a racing game. And naturally, once Izuku got to the highlight of his exam...

"No, Aunt Mitsi!" Izuku borderline whined, pleading for her to just drop the subject. "I just... I fused with a girl, and somehow, our Fusion was... female."

Mitsuki just raised a brow at him, her smirk widening. "So... you were half a girl."

Katsuki snorted lightly next to him, his eyes never leaving the screen.

Izuku's blush deepened. " I... you... Aunt Mitsi, please just leave it!"

Mitsuki giggled at his embarrassment. "Okay, okay. I've had my fun. I need to head down to the store anyway." She got off the couch to leave, but first leaned down to ruffle Izuku's hair. "Seriously though, Izu, it sounds like you cleaned house. Good job."

Izuku ducked his head a little, smiling as his cheeks slowly cooled. "Thanks..."

Mitsuki chuckled at him, going to collect her keys. "Just don't stay too long, kiddo. Inko's probably planning some big 'You Did It!' dinner back at your place." She paused in the doorway before leaving, suddenly yelling. "You hear that brat!? You better not still be keeping Izu here when I get back!"

"Yeah, yeah, I heard you! Ya old bat." Katsuki grumbled under his breath.

"I heard that!" She yelled back, slamming the door behind her.

"You were supposed too!" Katsuki called after, eyes glued to the TV screen.

Izuku sweatdropped at the interaction. I'll never get how these two work.

A few minutes passed as the two kept playing, the only sounds in the house being the revving engines and squealing tires from the game they were playing. Izuku's brow furrowed as he focused on the game, trying harder than usual to win. Maybe if he just kept his mind on the game...

"So..." Katsuki suddenly said as his thumbs flew across his controller. "You gonna tell me why you keep zoning out today?"

Izuku froze, his car on screen literally crashing and burning. By the time he was able to speak, Katsuki had won the race. "W-Wh- What do you mean?" He stuttered, failing to sound nonchalant.

Katsuki took a deep, obviously exasperated breath, then set down his controller. He fixed Izuku with a hard stare, crossing his arms. "Deku, ever since we left the exam, you keep staring off into space, then freaking blushing. It's getting creepy. What the hell?"

Izuku grimaced, hanging his head. He really didn't want to talk about this. Wringing his hands nervously, he decided to start with a question that had been bothering him. "Kacchan... when we turn into Katzuku and then unfuse... do you ever... remember things?"

Katsuki blinked, not having expected the question. Then his eyes narrowed suspiciously. "What kind of things?"

Izuku winced, not meeting Katsuki's eyes. "Like... stuff you didn't know... about me... before we fused?"

Katsuki gave him a weird look. "Uhh, nooo..." Then he paused, looking thoughtful. "Well... I guess once or twice, I knew what you had for breakfast that morning."

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