Chapter 3: The Exam

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The next nine months were both the worst and best of Izuku's life.

They were the absolute worse due to the intense, borderline insane training regiment All Might had given him, planning every second of his day meticulously with strength training, endurance runs, cleaning the seemingly endless length of Dagobah Beach; even his sleep was scheduled!

The result was that there was not a moment Izuku's body was not aching, and not a single second that he didn't feel dead on his feet. There were times he was fairly certain he'd fallen asleep with his eyes open, given how hours seemed to disappear with a mere blink.

But on the other hand, for the first time in his life, Izuku felt like his dream of being a hero was actually... possible. That, as his runs grew easier and the aches grew duller, he was actually working towards an actual goal, instead of a misguided wish. That by the end of it... he would be a hero.

Not that it all went smoothly. The first hurdle had been Katsuki, who had been... less than pleased with All Might's choice of successor. Namely, the fact it hadn't been him.

Luckily, and to Izuku's great relief, All Might had an answer for him.

"You're not wrong," The skeletal true form of All Might said softly as Katsuki glared up at him, Izuku watching the two in worry. "With your Quirk and spirit, young Bakugo, you're already on the fast track to becoming a great hero. And I have no doubt that you could do great things with One For All."

Katsuki's glare lessened by the barest fraction. "Then why-?"

"Because it's not a matter of worth or strength. It's intent. The kind of hero you wish to be. I did my research before meeting you here today. Bakugo, you wish to prove yourself as the strongest hero, correct? To be the person everyone looks up to, wishes to be?"

Katsuki gave a sharp nod. "Yeah. Damn straight."

All Might nodded in return. "It's a fair goal, one many heroes use as motivation." He then looked over Katsuki's head at Izuku. "Is that why you want to be a hero, Midoriya? To prove yourself?"

Izuku hesitated, flinching slightly when Katsuki looked his way. He could see the look in his friend's eyes, not angry, but smoldering, ready to be set off in an instant. He swallowed thickly, but met All Might's gaze, answering honestly. "Honestly... no, sir. I... I just want to help people. Keep them safe and... make them feel safe, just by being there. Like..."

"Like me?" All Might finished with a knowing smile. At Izuku's embarrassed look and Katsuki rolling his eyes, the Pro chuckled. "You two are aiming to be very different heroes. Neither is better or worse, just different. The simple fact is, I've been searching for someone who wants to be a hero, not to prove something, but merely for the sake of it."

At that, Katsuki blinked in confusion. "The heck does that mean?"

All Might heaved a sigh. "Young Bakugo, there have been eight people total who have held One For All. Do you know how many of them even broke into the top ten rankings, let alone Number One?"

The two boys looked to each other, Katsuki shrugging his shoulders. They turned back to All Might questioningly.

All Might's grin widened. "One. Me." He chuckled at their surprised looks. "What you both need to understand is, having One For All and being the Number One Hero are not exclusive. My predecessor had just as much strength and power as I do, and she never even cracked the top one-hundred. She had no need to. She was her own hero, and spread hope in her own way. I'm the exception, not the rule."

He gave them both a long look, before sighing. "The fact is, I'm not looking for someone to replace me as Number One. I want someone I know will use One For All to inspire others, to keep hope alive and strong when I can't. And I truly believe Midoriya is that person." He gave Katsuki a searching, almost pleading look. "Does that make sense to you, young Bakugo?"

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