Chapter 14: Declaration of War

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Chapter 14: Declaration of War

Despite the unexpected break they were given, classes returned all too soon for the students of 1A. While they quickly fell into their usual habits of comparing what they did with their time off (Mina eagerly wowing the crowd with the footage she took of Tsuku), Izuku quickly noticed that there was a certain... tension in the room come Monday. None of them drew attention to it, but there was no way he was the only one to notice how Iida tensed when asked what it was like seeing Nomu up close, or how Tokoyami's eyes sharpened and Aoyama's smile lessened when asked where they ended up during USJ. And Izuku could have sworn that Todoroki was staring intently at him when his back was turned.

The whole subject seems like some kind of taboo, like talking about the attack would make it happen again. But... they were all still curious. and it being the first time they were all together after the incident, no amount of uncertainty could stop the questions from spilling out.

Even Izuku himself couldn't help his curiosity as they swapped stories, listening to the creative ways his classmates fought and asking for them to clarify or expand certain things. Which of course led to them questioning him in turn, mostly about Tsuzuku and Katzuchako. Izuku had surprisingly little issue answering their questions. He even found himself smiling when Kirishima started up about how 'manly' the whole thing was.

However, the fun stopped when Kamaniri started speculating about what his own Triple Fusion's powers could be, triggering a debate between him, Kirishima, and Sero about possible combinations with Izuku. While Izuku was at first just as invested as they were with hypothesizing, his stomach filled with dread the second Kamaniri and Sero turned to him and asked if they could try Triple Fusing later that day.

Izuku froze under their expectant smiles, unsure how to explain how he couldn't use his Quirk due to health reasons.

While Izuku tried to stutter out why that wouldn't be a good idea, Katsuki, who up until this point was content to lazily listen to their speculating, grew more and more irate as Izuku danced around the subject. After nearly a full minute of none of them understanding Izuku's unsure ramblings, Katsuki finally blew.

"Will you morons just shut up about it!?" He shouted, making everyone in the room flinch. "Pulling that crap nearly killed Deku the first time! He ain't doing it again until we know he won't end up half-baked! So drop it!"

It was dropped.

Unfortunately, they weren't given much time to dwell on the previous week's events. On their first day back, the class was informed by Aizawa (how the man was already up and moving despite 60% of his body being broken and bandaged mystified, impressed... and slightly terrified Izuku) that the UA Sports Festival was rapidly approaching.

This alone made Izuku excited for the future... but also brought a new worry to the forefront of his mind.

The mob of students that soon appeared outside their homeroom didn't help that worry, nor the piercing words of a purple-haired Gen-Ed student.

Day of the Sports Festival

Two weeks passed in the blink of an eye. Before Izuku knew it, he and his class were standing in the dressing room of one of UA's massive arenas, filled with Pro Heroes cheering waiting for them to come out. Decked out in their PE clothes, the nineteen of them chatted as they waited for Iida to arrive so he could lead them out into the arena proper.

Izuku took a steadying breath, closing his eyes as he tried to calm his nerves. He could already hear the cheers of the waiting crowd, practically feel the vibration of the building from the sheer noise.

So many people, he thought. So many Heroes. And they all... they're all going to see my Quirk.

All Might had told him what he had to do today. This was his first chance to make an imprint on the Hero community, to show them all what he could do, his first step towards proving he could stand alongside the Number One Hero. To do that, the world had to see all that he was capable of.

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