Chapter 9: USJ Part 1 - A Hop and A Pop

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The next few days passed peacefully, allowing Izuku to get a feel for what passed for normality at UA. Classes, unfortunately, proved to be about on par with his old middle school in terms of excitement. In that, there was none. From History to Math to Literature, the fact that they were being taught by Heroes barely factored into their day-to-day lessons. This naturally disappointed Izuku, who had (perhaps naively) been looking forward to hearing about first-hand accounts from Ectoplasm, Midnight, Present Mic, etc. Though, in hindsight, it was a bit of a blessing, seeing the Heroes act like normal teachers. It showed him that, underneath all the powers and spandex, the Pro Heroes were still human, just like him.

The most excitement they had was when Aizawa told them to choose a class president. Practically everyone voted for Izuku to take the job, much to his utter bafflement and Katsuki's snickering. He managed to escape such a fate after Iida managed to calm an entire cafeteria of panicked students after a false security alarm drove them into a mob, allowing him to graciously give the job to Iida.

The very next day, Aizawa told them to dress in their hero suits and go to the buses, as they had a special day of Hero class ahead of them with All Might and anouther teacher. It looked to be a fun, exciting day of class.

If only things were so easy...

"Hey, Midoriya..."

Izuku perked up at the sound of his name. He, along with the rest of class 1-A, was packed haphazardly into one of UA's transport buses, much to the orderly Iida's dismay. He turned to face who'd spoken. "Yes, Asui?"

"Call me Tsu," The froggy girl instantly responded. She gave Izuku a long look, her face blank as per usual. "Your Quirk's pretty weird, isn't it."

Izuku stiffened, his face falling in an instant. "O-Oh...?" He murmured weakly, ducking his head. From his other side, Ochako frowned at Tsuyu, looking more disappointed than mad.

Katsuki, who had been sitting a ways off talking with Kirishima (well, Kirishima talked with Katsuki mostly grunting every now and then) instantly looked up, scowling fiercely at Tsuyu. "Wanna say that again, Frog Face?"

Tsu looked passively at him. "I didn't say it was bad. Just weird." She turned back to Izuku, tilting her head slightly. "And you have to admit it kind of is. Two people Fusing together like that is so different from anything else I've seen."

Izuku rubbed the back of his head sheepishly, Tsu's neutral tone convincing him that there was no malice behind her words, just honest curiosity. He gave a timid smile as he tried to relax. "Yeah, I know. I've researched a few heroes that can absorb objects like me, but none with people. The closest I found was a pair of twin heroes who could combine together, but even then they both kept their own personalities. The Fusions I make... they kind of have a mind of their own."

On the opposite side of the bus, Jiro perked up in surprise. "What, like... they're whole new people?"

Izuku nodded, smiling shyly. "Pretty much. It mostly seems like they take my personality and whoever I'm fusing with, and creates a new personality that's like a median between the two."

"Freaky," Kaminari said from beside Jiro. "So, wait, if Fusing makes a whole new person, then where exactly do you... go?"

Izuku blinked. "Go?"

"Yeah, like, are you stuck in the fusions head or something? Or do you just... cease to be for a little while?" Kaminari shivered a bit at his own words. "Okay, that came out creepier than I meant it to."

As Jiro rolled her eyes at her friend, Izuku scratched his ear and thought. "No, I get what you're asking. It's just... complicated. It's a bit like a mix of the two, I guess? Like... oh, I know!" He perked up, a thought striking him. "You know those shows where someone has an angel and a devil on their shoulders, trying to lead them one way or the other?" When a few people gave him a very confused nod, he went on. "It's sort of like that. Me and who I'm fused with are kind of aware of what's going on, but we don't really have control over our Fusion. But who we are, our personalities and mindsets, can influence how our Fusion approaches a situation."

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