Chapter 12: USJ Part 4: Plus Ultra

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USJ, Mountain Zone

"Jiro, on your left!"

At Momo's call, Jiro whirled around, just blocking the strike of a machete-wielding villain in a trenchcoat. She winced at the force he used, pushing down on her makeshift sword with ease. Gritting her teeth as she tried to keep her footing, she activated her Quirk, extending her jack tipped earlobes down to her speaker-faced boots.

She once again had to praise UA's Support Department. The boots she'd asked for worked to perfection, her accelerated heartbeat transmitting and blasting out of the speakers in a booming shockwave. The villain let out a startled yell, getting blasted off his feet and sent flying back, along with several of the villains behind him.

Breathing heavily, Jiro turned to check on the other students she'd been trapped with. Momo was twirling around a bo staff with practiced ease, smacking villains across the face as they tried to rush her. A little ways away from them, Kaminari was shooting weak blasts of electricity at the stragglers with one hand, pressing the other to his head with a wince.

Jiro was caught between being exasperated and concerned for him. They'd initially been surrounded by five times as many villains before Kaminari had unleashed his so-called finishing move, Indiscriminate Shock. It was aptly named, sending out a massive wave of electricity that knocked out nearly every villain around them, but also would have hurt herself and Momo if the Creation girl hadn't shielded them with an insulated sheet. The only problem was that the attack was so indiscriminate that it hurt Kaminari himself, frying his brain so badly that he could barely function, stumbling around with a blitzed out look on his face.

It had been funny at first, seeing the boy who tried and failed to act so smooth around everyone reduced to a dopey goofball... right up until Kaminari walked directly in the way of a charging bull-like villain, grinning all the while. If Jiro hadn't yanked him out of the way with her lobes, he would have been gored. So, in addition to having to fight the remaining villains, the two girls also had to keep track of Kaminari, making sure he didn't wander back into the conflict.

It was only about five minutes later that he came back to himself, but... it was clear he was straining himself. He winced with every burst of electricity, and whenever he tried to tell them he was okay, he couldn't keep the slight slur out of his voice. In any other situation, Jiro would be yelling at him to sit down and rest. But as it was, all she and Momo could do was try to keep the pressure off him.

So it was a great relief when Jiro counted how many villains were left standing and realized that they were nearly out of opponents. Just a few more and they could all take a breather, then make their way to the entrance to regroup with their class.

With new determination, Jiro took off at a run towards the nearest remaining villain, a large man with grey skin and four all-red eyes. The man laughed menacingly at her audacity, hefting the large pipe he held. Jiro narrowed her eyes at his dismissive look, ready to send out another blast from her boots-

"Dude, look out!"

The shout came from another of the remaining villains, intended for the man Jiro was charging. Both of them turned to look at the shouter in surprise, finding him pointing above them in clear terror. Jiro looked up-

Just in time to see something slam into the ground in front of her, crushing the grey-skinned villain.

The impact shook the ground, sending Jiro stumbling to one knee. Looking up, she watched as a large form stood up from the crater it had created, the grey-skinned villain broken and groaning at its feet.

"Oh, crap!"

All around them, the remaining villains stared at the new arrival in blatant fear. Jiro looked around in confusion, not understanding their screams of denial and terror. Within moments, every conscious villain had turned tail and run from the area, most leaving their unconscious allies behind.

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