Chapter 17: Reactions

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Yagi let out a sigh as the crowd exploded, leaning back in his chair. He chuckled, looking down at the field and watching as Bakugo lept to his feet, throwing Uraraka off his back in the process. He let out a scream of triumph, soaking in the crowd's affection as Midoriya and Uraraka shared exasperated smiles before helping each other up. Yagi grinned at the three's dynamic, wondering if they knew the significance of what they'd just done; the year's top three hero students racing neck and neck across the finish line, only to then act like best friends immediately after. It was the kind of image that would cement itself in the public consciousness for years to come.

"It seems this year's first years have made quite an impact." Nedzu's soft voice sounded from the next seat over.

Yagi smiled down at the diminutive principle, taking in the roar of the crowd. "Indeed. And it's only the first round. The hero course will surely be making waves after today."

Nedzu nodded. "Most certainly." But then, as he looked back down at the entrance, his smile diminished, brow furrowing. "Though I wonder if they will all be positive."

Concerned, Yagi followed his gaze. Twenty seconds after the trio, Todoroki rushed onto the field, his uniform ruffled and dirty. The boy stared wide-eyed at the trio, watching as Izuku jokingly forced himself out of Katsuki's headlock as the blonde attempted a noogie, Uraraka laughing at them. A look of fury overtook Todoroki's face, so intense it gave Yagi a start. The three soon felt Todoroki's gaze, and the crowd was suddenly treated to a staredown, as Todoroki's ire was matched by Midoriya's concern, Uraraka's frustration, and Bakugo's blazing rage.

The stare-down went on until the other students started trickling in. Ida started marching up to Todoroki, arm chopping the air as he berated the boy for his poor conduct towards the other competitors, only to flinch back as Todoroki turned his glare to him. Todoroki's eyes darted from Ida to the approaching Asui and Kirishima, seeing Mineta and a very peeved-looking Sero just behind them. Realizing he was outnumbered, Todoroki leveled one last glare at Midoriya, then turned and marched away with a scoff.

Yagi scratched the side of his head, worry building in his chest. "That may become a problem soon."

Nedzu nodded in agreement. "Indeed. In fact, I'd say young Todoroki is reminding me of another combative future hero who once fought here."

Yagi looked to see Nedzu's attention drawn elsewhere. He followed the principal's gaze and let out a tired sigh. Down in the stands, a pillar of smoke was rising from the hunched form of Endeavor, the heroes around him giving a wide berth as the number two literally fumed.

Should have expected that, Yagi thought to himself, considering if it was worth venturing down to try and calm the angry parent. Fourth place out of three-hundred was still praise-worthy. Though, the man's reaction did make Yogi wonder what the rest of the world thought of his student's achievement.

"Hell yeah! That's my kid! I knew he wouldn't screw this up!"


Masaru lunged for the vase, catching it millimeters before it crashed to the ground. He sent his wife an exasperated-if-fond look as she exploded off the couch and jumped into a victory dance, her arms flailing wildly. He set the vase carefully on the coffee table (not the end table, whose airspace Mitsuki kept flailing into) and looked towards the couch's other occupant for support.

"Izuku! My baby boy!"

Instead, he quickly bolted for the kitchen in search of a tissue box.

Mitsuki whirled around and grasped Inko by the shoulders, yanking the smaller woman up into a hug and twirling her around, uncaring of the happy tears soaking through her shirt. "First and second! I knew we raised those boys right, Inko!"

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