Chapter 16: Unexpected Obstacle

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As one, UA's entire first year rushed for the narrow opening. Within seconds the corridor was a choked mess of bodies crushing against each other, the mass of humanity bottlenecked as they all tried to get through at the same time. Izuku watched as Katsuki threw himself directly into the pile, shoving and elbowing his way through the crowd with stunning ferocity. Ochako disappeared along with him, her slight frame vanishing into the sea of blue uniforms. And he...


Izuku ran with the crowd right up to the exit of the stadium, then stopped, right where the grass of the field ended at the corridor's concrete floor. He watched as he was left alone as the last man on the field, the pack of the rushing students a good fifteen feet ahead of him. He could hear Present Mic on the PA overhead, narrating the chaos taking place.


Izuku tried and failed to ignore the new eyes he could feel turn his way. His gaze locked onto the doorway at the end of the corridor. Specifically, the ten-foot gap above the heads of the rushing crowd. Already he could see trailing frost and bright explosions going off just outside.

Make an impact, he repeated in his head as he knelt down, placing his fingertips to the concrete.

A flash of blinding green light filled the corridor, backlighting the students filling it. A few at the back of the pack shot panicked looks behind them, surprised that the fading light revealed a human statue kneeling at the hall's opposite end, a two-foot deep divot in the ground right in front of it.

Izuku grit his stone teeth, pushed One for All into his legs...

And lept.

A cloud of dirt and debris shot back out into the stadium as Izuku soared over the heads of the crowd, crossing the length of the corridor in a single bound. There was a flash of movement below him, a white stretch of tape shooting by him as Sero lept out of the crowd, Tsuyu right beside him. The two came level with him as they reached the light at the end of the tunnel.

Izuku flew through the exit at the top of his arc, emerging into chaos. Immediately out of the building, dozens of students were brought to a standstill, their feet frozen to a giant patch of ice that stretched down most of the path. Up ahead, he could see Todoroki at the front of the leaders, Katsuki just behind him as he propelled forward with explosions, Momo, Kirishima, and Aayoma right at their heels.

As Izuku neared the ground, he preemptively winced as he saw where he was going to come down: right in the middle of a bunch of students who had gotten their feet free of the ice and were struggling to slide forward without falling, Ochako among them.

"Sorry, 'Chako!" He yelled out as he brought his feet forward, bracing for impact.

Ochako looked up at his shout, panic clear on her face. Then...

Why is she smiling?

Izuku landed with a thunderous impact, cracking the ice and sending the students around him into an uncontrollable slide away from his landing zone. Not wanting to waste time, Izuku tensed his legs again and took another super-powered leap further down the path.

"Whaa! High!"

Izuku blinked, looking down at the voice that sounded far too close. "Wha- Ochako! What are you doing!?"

The brunette smiled up at him, half-panicked and half-sheepish as she held onto his stone pants leg with both hands. He hadn't even felt her grab on. "Seizing an opportunity! Like we planned!"

"Wha- I didn't mean to use me!"

His confusion didn't last too long. When he reached the apex of his jump, Ochako let go of his leg and slapped a hand to her thigh.

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