Chapter 13: A Beach Reprieve

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UA Nurse's Office

"Huh. An attaboy. Never... never go one of those myself before. Cool..."

All Might put his head in his hands as he heard Katzuko's parting words again. Principal Nezu gave him a long look, smiling sadly at the Number One before hitting the pause button on the remote.

"Well," He started, leaning back into his oversized chair. "This leaves us with quite the conundrum."

All Might heard Recovery Girl give a faint hum, no doubt giving the Principal a rather unimpressed look. "To say the least."

All Might let out a huff, looking back up at the screen. The image of Izuku, Ochako, and Katsuki laying against each other on the ground battered, worn out, and steaming was never going to leave his mind... especially if he had to keep rewatching it over and over.

This made the fourth time. The first was in person at USJ. The second was later that same day after the students had been treated and sent home, where the entire USJ faculty had gathered to watch the recovered security footage to try and understand just how in the hell this had happened?

The third had been later that night in the privacy of his own home, where he could watch the plight of his student and his Fusions over and over, coming to terms with the fact that the only reason his students came under fire was because of someone was after him.

The current meeting was being held between the only three people in UA aware of Izuku's secret: All Might, Nezu, and Recovery Girl, all gathered in the nurse's office as the nurse in question changed the sheets of the various beds lined up against the far wall.

"I just don't understand how it's possible," All Might said as he lifted his head, frustration bleeding into his voice. "They're all young and healthy. There's no reason that after a fight, even on like that, they would all look like..." His shoulders slumped, the fight leaving his voice as he glared down at his skeletal hands. "Like me."

Nezu hummed as he watched the Pro Hero. "It certainly is a conundrum. We had always assumed that the steam and heat your skin produces once you've reached your limit was merely due to your injuries. However, now that Midoriya is showing the same symptoms, I'm starting to think this is a side effect of One For All instead."

"But it can't be!" All Might nearly shouted, running a hand through his hair. "This never happened to me when I was in my prime, no matter how tired or battle-weary I got. It wasn't until... this," he put a hand over his stomach, right where they knew the scarring was. "That I started steaming once I hit my limit."

"I hate to tell you this, Yagi," Recovery Girl cut in, hurricane tapping lightly on the floor if she made her way to them. "But I have a theory as to why One For All may have left the children in such a state."

All Might blinked at the small woman in surprise, Nezu turning towards her curiously.

Recovery Girl sighed at their looks, walking between them towards her desk. "Did Midoriya ever explain to you exactly how his Human Fusion worked?"

All Might shifted awkwardly in his seat, his lips pulling into a small frown. "As best he could. Like most children, he's only been able to learn about his Quirk through trial and error. Even then, before coming to UA, he's only ever fused with one other person, his friend Bakugo." At Recovery Girl's expectant look, he went on. "He can Fuse with someone upon physical contact, merging their bodies and consciousness into a new being, one with their own personality and a modified Quirk similar to whoever he fused with."

Recovery Girl nodded, her face still grim. "And what could cause that Fusion to unfuse?"

All Might blinked at the question, rubbing the back of his head as he thought. "Well... once it's used up too much energy, I suppose. Or taken too much damage to hold itself together. I believe he mentioned that the Fusion will start getting a headache the longer it exists, acting as a sort of timer?"

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