Chapter 15: We Are the Future

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"...AND GEN ED CLASSES I, J, and K!"

At the back of the mass of students entering the stadium, Shinso Hinoshi let out a bitter sigh.

Just like I thought, Gen Ed is nothing but an afterthought.

His eyes slid towards the forty students already gathered at the center of the arena, looking them over as Present Mic introduced the other first years. Just by visuals alone, he could guess why most of them had been chosen for the hero course. He zeroed in on the ones he recognized from that day in the hall. A few he'd already had an idea about; the son of Endeavor and brother of Ingenium. But there were others that had only just appeared on his radar thanks to the UA rumor mill. The electric boy and the girl with the earlobes were apparently both rather powerful at a distance. The redhead had rock-solid skin. The ponytail girl could apparently pull anything out of her skin, and the boy with the bird head's quirk seemed to be a whole separate creature in and of itself.

And then... he focused a trio near the front of their class. The explosive blonde, anti-gravity girl, and boy with curly green hair.

The hero course exam's top three.

It hadn't been hard to get info on the three. Their exams were minor legends among the students who's been with them. The blonde had been an absolute terror in his exam, taking out dozens of robots all by himself, over double that of anyone else in the exam. And the girl and green hair had somehow taken down the gigantic zero-pointer by working together, though which of them landed the finishing blow changed from person to person.

Bottom line: Shinso had to stay on guard. With everything, he knew he was up against, and god knows how much he didn't, he couldn't hold back. He'd show his stuff in this so-called competition, prove he could be a hero despite... everything.

He bit back a groan as the first event was announced: an obstacle course around the stadium. Somehow he didn't think it would be as simple as hopping tires and climbing walls.

Hoping to glean some last-minute info, Shinso waded through the crowd of students, drifting as close to the hero classes as he could without being noticed. None seemed to be talking strategy, though, much to his chagrin. It was all pointless talk of how excited they were, how they couldn't wait to show off their skills and powers. Shinso stomped down his irritation, moving on towards the front.

"Okay. You guys remember the plan?"

Shinso paused, looking to his right. It was that trio, standing in a loose huddle. The green-haired kid looked between the other two with a determined grin.

"Yep!" the brunette chirped, giving a thumbs up.

The blonde rolled his eyes, looking exasperated as he slouched, his hands in his pockets. "You only pounded it into our heads about a billion times this week."

Green-hair rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "I'm just making sure. We're only going to get one chance to-"

"And Now The Introductory Speech!"

Shino bit down a curse as Midnight's voice echoed around the stadium, instantly stopping all conversation from the students. There went the chance for any last-minute insight.

"Silence, Everyone! And For The Student Pledge, We Have... Ochako Uraraka!"

Shinso rose a brow when the brunette suddenly stiffened, a panicked look on her face. "Oh, man..."

"You'll do great, Ochako!" Green-hair smiled, patting her on the back.

Ochako smiled back nervously. "Thanks, Deku."

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