Li Family Bakery

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1784, August 11

"Li Mingyue! Hurry, hurry! You're going to be late!" Li Jingjing called out.

Li Jingjing was quite young for having a daughter. Mingyue was conceived when Jingjing was merely sixteen years old, her daughter was born when she was seventeen. For a while Jingjing and her husband, Mingsheng, had a happy life; the three of them were a picture perfect family.

"Head go first, Mom, I'll follow shortly after!" Mingyue said. The girl was scurrying around trying to get herself ready. Every morning, Mingyue had become accustomed to the sunrise waking her up, but today was the sky was a very dark grey, not even a sliver of sunlight could break through the barrier of clouds. Instead the depressing sky looked like it would break down crying at any second. She prayed that she would get to the bakery before the rain was destined to hit.

She changed into a cream colored long sleeve shift, the first skirt she put on was a thinner white color that had been stained by time, and her upper skirt was a depressing grey. She put on a fitted bodice on before tying an apron around her waist. 

She briefly looked in the mirror, fixing her hair, before hurrying off to join her mother in the bakery. The village of Lumena was quite big compared to the some of the other ones. The Solona Kingdom had two major villages, Lumena being one of them, and a bunch of other smaller villages.

The Li family were not from this village, they had moved to Lumena for a safe haven. They were orginally from on of the villages from the Kingdom of Kasmira, but it became too dangerous to live there. The Li's left at the perfect time because the village that they resided in was burned down not even a year later. But moving Kingdoms also had it's difficulties, for they had to learn the completely different culture and language.

Anyways, on days like these, when she was running late, Mingyue didn't have to go far because the Bakery was right down the street from her house. Her battered shoes hit the ground with every step of her jog, disrupting the dry layer of dirt that thirsted for the upcoming rain.

One of the many reasons why the Li Family Bakery is such a success is because many people go there to view the beautiful Li women.

Li Jingjing was absolutely gorgeous, she was the 'Gem' of her village in her youth. That title had been passed right down to Mingyue as if it were a hereditary birth right.

Jingjing was the definition of perfect: taller than average, slim woman with perfect body proportions. Her face was nearly symmetrical, her eyes were a deep brown, and her hair glossed in the light.

All of her traits were passed onto Mingyue. The only difference were their eyes as Mingyue inherited that trait from her father. She had captivating amber eyes just as Mingsheng did. Everyday when she looked in the mirror, it was like she was looking in her fathers eyes once again.

"Mingyue, get the bread from the oven and after that help me with this cake." Jingjing said, rushing around the kitchen. The bakery didn't open until after the sun dial read IX, so the Li women still had time to finish their preparations for the day.

Mingyue immediately got to work. The most busy time was the mornings and evenings. The middle of the day tended to be slow, usually it was only the elderly that came in during that time.

A hiss escaped Mingyue's mouth as she burnt herself taking out the bread, even through the cloth.

"Aish, you need to be more careful." Jingjing took out the other loaves of bread, using the same cloth as Mingyue. The only difference was that Jingjing didn't get hurt. Sometimes Mingyue thinks that her mom is immune to pain at this point. "Don't just stand there, take a wet cloth and wrap your hand."

"Mrs. Kang," Mingyue greeted, "You're usual?"

"Yes please," She responded, smiling. She looked quite young for her age, the only indication that she has lived a long happy life was the smile lines that embedded in her corner of her mouth and the crinkles around her eyes.

Mingyue wasted no time in getting Mrs. Kang a slice of pumpkin bread. The woman came every morning for as long as Mingyue could remember. Although her childhood was quite easily forgotten by the girl, she could still remember Mrs. Kang laughing with her about something– although that part was forgotten.

"I still can't get over how much you've grown~" Mrs. Kang said, pinching the younger girls cheek, "I can't believe I've watched you grow for seventeen years, I've got to watch you blossom into a lovely young lady."

"Mrs. Kang, you say that almost every morning just in different words," Mingyue joked, although it was true.

"Well, I best be off. My grandson is visiting me for a day or so, maybe I'll bring him here tomorrow." She stated before leaving the bakery.

"Mrs. Kang is something else," Jingjing spoke, "Maybe an angel in disguise?"

The two got on with their job as they continued baking until the bakery was filled with customers. Many unfamiliar people were there today, Mingyue just assumed that it was some kind of event that they didn't know about. The village was quite big after all and the Li Family Bakery was quite popular.

"Do you have croissants?"

"Yup, we have normal, chocolate and cinnamon." Mingyue listed.

"Could I have two of each? And also a honey bun?"

"Sure thing," the girl went to go gather his food while Jingjing handled the money. Mingyue returned with a smile on her face that always charmed the customers. Although it was fake, no one ever noticed.

After the man left along with his group, Jingjing turned to her daughter with a blush that spread across her face.

"Mom? Are you alright? Have you fallen ill from the weather change? If need be, I can run the bakery today."

"No Mingyue, I'm alright..." Jingjing placed a hand on her bosom, feeling her rising heartbeat.

The day continued onwards normally except for the fact that Jingjing's hand was constantly on her heart.

What Mingyue was not aware of, was the man that asked for the croissants and honey bun was the King himself. He was covered in a cloak to conceal himself, accompanied with his guards who were also disguised.

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